As reported in this Gamasutra story, THQ has filed suit against Activision Blizzard over a dispute involving two rival videogames: THQ's Baja: Edge of Control (released September 22nd, 2008) and Activision's SCORE International Baja 1000: The Official Game (slated for release tomorrow).

THQ originally unveiled the Edge of Control box art in June of this year, and claims to have spent $1 million to market and pre-promote the game. The box art for Activision's upcoming title has some obvious similarities. The company says that it asked Activision to prepare different art for the release, and having gotten no response, is now asking the courts to intervene. THQ filed suit with the Central District of California, asking that the courts halt publication of the game and asking for a share of the profits if the title goes to market.

Obviously any Baja-based videogame will feature art of off-road vehicles slamming through extreme terrain, but does THQ's lawsuit have merit? Judge for yourself -- click on the image below for an enlarged comparison:

THQ's game, left. Activision's is on the right.

A closer look at the lawsuit is available from Patent Arcade.

The color and position of the central vehicles is definitely similar. Do you think it's intentional? Do you think it's actionable? Does THQ have a case? We may not be lawyers, but we all know how to use forums: Post your thoughts below!