One wouldn't fault you for calling Namco's Katamari Damacy the most original game of 2004. In fact, at last night's 2005 Game Developer's Choice Awards, Keita Takahashi, the game's director, accepted awards for Innovation and Game Design.Today, we were lucky enough to hear Takahashi speak today about the creation of this bizarre, yet incredibly popular title at this year's GDC.

When Takahashi began his presentation, it became immediately clear that he was just as humorous and whimsical as his videogame creation. He started by speaking through a puppet of the Prince, Katamari's star. Once he propped the puppet up so that the packed room could admire it during his speech, he began to explain about the game's origins. He first got the idea, he explained, from a photograph showing two panda cubs rolling their mother around like a ball. He brought the picture up on a large screen, so that everyone could see. As the crowd began to chuckle at the odd influence, Takahashi revealed that he was only joking.

Katamari Damacy = innovation.

Where Katamaris Come From

The true origin came from Takahashi's desire to create a game that delivered in four areas -- it had to be something new, easily understood, enjoyable and funny, and was something that could only be expressed in a videogame (OK, so maybe that's five areas, but Takahashi counted "enjoyable and funny" as one and so are we). These four concepts aren't anything revolutionary, Takahashi admitted, but he was tired of seeing so many similar looking games on the market. He wanted something different. Inspiration hit him when he thought of the simple joy that a child feels while rolling a ball around outside

Takahashi also admitted that videogames are ultimately unnecessary for people, so in order to give their existence meaning, the games need to be stimulating -- they need to be a bit punk. Granted, Katamari may not be the most punk game around with its poppy tunes and rainbow covered box art, but these things mixed with its original gameplay sure fly in the face of convention. That sure is punk.