The fact that I still like these games anyway makes wonder just how important this fleeting notion of immersion is to me. I'll admit, the first thing I look at in these games is how open and flexible they are in terms of creating, and developing my character. That's why I'm still playing Final Fantasy XI over all these other games; I love the job system, and particularly, I really appreciate how I'm able to develop my character in a million different directions, and not suffer any real penalty, apart from time spent. But when I think about it, there are games that allow even deeper, and more open options, in this regard. Why is it that I stay in FFXI? Not brand loyalty; the last FF I really enjoyed was Final Tactics for the PSOne. I don't really care too much for the story either, though I'll admit that the narrative sequences (hell, the fact that it has real narrative sequences) are leagues beyond anything else the genre has seen.

When I really think about it, it's the world, and specifically, how it looks. Whereas most other MMOs feature miles upon miles of terrain that seem like they've been generated randomly, FFXI's environments feel like they were designed by hand. The zones have genuine landmarks, and on the maps, they have names, and, I presume, histories, which I would learn about, if I would ever advance past rank four. In short, it's that much closer to feeling like a real "world" than any of its peers. I guess I would call that a rudimentary form of immersion. Granted, to really compete with some of the single-player experiences that have really moved me, it's got a long way to go. But in terms of making the world seem real, in a meaningful sense (and I'm not talking about billion-year timelines expounded upon in novels that I'll never read), it's that much closer. Of course, the minute my six-strong team of powerful warriors and magicians starts beating on a nigh-invincible crab, all this immersion goes out the window, and it becomes, yet again, a stats game. But those fleeting moments are sweet.

I don't want to live in a world where these guys constitute substantial threats.

Unfortunately, I'm at a loss as to how these games can be made more meaningfully engrossing. That's where you come in: offer up suggestions, write in about your own experiences, and the like. We'll get these here wheels turning, and hopefully, start to imagine the types of worlds that we want to be playing in, in the future. Write me by clicking here: One of you asked last time why I don't post my address on the column. This is because if I did, the amount of spam I get would multiply by fourteen thousand. And since I get inordinate amounts already, I'm just not ready to do that. But rest assured, I get all the Onlife letters addressed via that page, so don't hesitate.

Also, I have another request. You know that MMO you're playing? Well, think about the issue in it that makes you the most pissed off, and tell me what it is. Talk to your fellow players, and find out what it is, exactly, that's driving you nuts. I'll compile all the responses for each game, and work them into a future installment of Onlife. Think of it as an open letter to the developer of your MMO of choice. We can make change happen (maybe)!

One last thing: you can now play Guild Wars for free! ArenaNet is holding a worldwide preview event, in which all of you can get in on the action for free. We here at GameSpy are blowing the heck out of it, too, so mosey on over to our prep guide for the Guild Wars Worldwide Preview Event. We have class guides, skill charts, impressions, and the whole nine. This game is sick, so get with it.