The original (and quite impressive) Capcom Classics Collection Remixed has just hit stores, and Capcom's already announced a follow-up. That's hardly a problem, though, as Capcom has no shortage of excellent classic arcade games to draw upon for these retro compilations.

The List

CCC Reloaded's lineup starts off with a lot of the games that were featured in Capcom Classics Collection for PS2 and Xbox, which themselves were drawn from the older Capcom Generation series on PS1 and Saturn. For those of you who aren't sad retro-game nerds who keep track of this stuff, that means you can expect PSP renditions of 1942, 1943, 1943 Kai, Ghosts 'n Goblins, Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, Gun.Smoke, Commandos, Mercs, SonSon, Pirate Ship Higemaru, Exed Exes, Vulgus, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter II Champion Edition, and Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting.

Whew, still with us? Good, because then there are the new additions, which haven't been seen in any other arcade compilations to this point. These include The King of Dragons, Knights of the Round, ECO Fighters, and at least one other action-packed arcade game, the identity of which Capcom is being surprisingly coy about publicizing.

Features Aplenty

Unlike the American-made CCC Remixed, CCC Reloaded has been developed by Capcom's internal studios in Japan. Luckily, a cursory playtest showed that the quality of the recreations and emulations is in the same impressive neighborhood as CCC Remixed. In fact, they've actually gone in and spiffed a few games up a bit for this compilation. The main example I noticed was Street Fighter II, which not only has home-friendly features like a training mode, but also multiple screen modes that allow you to tailor the game's appearance to your liking. The default is a 4:3 mode, which resembles past home ports. However, a toggle in the video menu lets you stretch the action to fill the entire screen or play in the original arcade game's oddly wide resolution.

You'll also find the usual extras that we saw in CCC Remixed, such as unlockable game tips, cheat codes, and art galleries. One weird new addition comes in a virtual slot machine. You can only play it by earning tokens through playing the collection's games, and each game rewards you with a unique type of token. The aforementioned goodies are unlocked by winning at the slots, but the token type used determines which prizes you can win. Bottom line, you'll have to play a lot of everything if you want to unlock all that stuff. If you don't feel up to that, that's cool too, as the rewards are just pleasant fluff rather than whole playable games. At least, that's how it looks right now.