Wired is running a great historical piece which takes a detailed look back over the highs and lows of 3D Realms' currently doomed Duke Nukem franchise. Entitled "Learn to Let Go: How Success Killed Duke Nukem," the article chronicles the beginnings of the series right up until the collapse of the studio amid the record-breakingly slow development of Duke Nukem Forever.
In April 1997, Broussard announced a follow-up: Duke Nukem Forever, which he promised would outdo the original in humor, interactivity, and fun. The firm set no formal deadline, but Miller predicted the game would be out within about a year, "well before" Christmas 1998. "We see Duke Nukem as a franchise that will be around 30 years from now, like James Bond," Miller told a gaming site. Broussard compared Duke to Nintendo's Mario — a character that would star in title after title, year after year.
We've covered the demise of Duke Nukem Forever and the subsequent legal wranglings between 3D Realms and Take-Two in detail this year, but this article wraps up the whole story into one great read.

Poor old Mr. Nukem.

Bryn says: The Duke saga certainly sticks out in my mind as one of the biggest stories of 2009. In the end, was Duke Nukem Forever anything more than a long-standing vaporware joke? Whatever your feelings on the matter, we should all wish 3D Realms' former employees luck in their future endeavours. And as the article notes at the end, fans of the series will need a bloomin' miracle now in order to get their hands on a complete version of DNF.