Deus Ex: Human Revolution didn't make it through its original spring release window, but Adam Jensen won't be delayed again. Square Enix and Eidos-Montreal announced today that Human Revolution has gone gold and will be available on August 23.

The anticipated prequel to the original PC classic, Deus Ex: Human Revolution is set 25 years before Deus Ex and tells the tale of Adam Jensen, a cybernetically augmented security officer cast into the middle of a global conspiracy. Square Enix delayed the game from its original March release window in December for "further polish."

"We couldn't be more excited that Deus Ex: Human Revolution has gone gold and will soon be in the hands of expectant gamers," Eidos-Montreal GM Stephane D'Astous said in a statement. "As the first release for Eidos-Montreal, it's impossible to express how extremely proud we are of the final product and all of the hard work that went into its creation."

In honor of Human Revolution going gold, here's another look at the director's cut of the CG trailer:

Sharkey says: That CG trailer, by long-time Square Enix partner Visual Works -- the team behind the recent Tomb Raider CG masterpiece -- is amazing. Gets my gaming juices flowing, especially knowing the game will be here in less than a month. I'm glad Square bumped this one for further polish, and hope the extra time will help Human Revolution hit the bar set by the original.