Still, those used to the faster pace of a Final Fantasy title might feel left in the lurch by Dragon Quest VIII. This adventure won't be complete without some struggle -- enemies hit hard, experience rewards and cash are kept low, and in general, you have to really strive to survive. This is a very traditional RPG, but that's not to say it's an un-evolved one. This tough play balance is quite obviously intentional, and the tension it creates is actually appealing.

Keeping that traditionalist flavor simmering, the gameplay systems are far from confusing or complex -- you can pump up some stats on level gain, but that's about all there is in terms of character customization. It's a funny thing, though; in less accomplished hands, this would all seem very dull. In the early stages of Dragon Quest VIII, it somehow seems rewardingly simple and appealing. Perhaps having such a beautiful world at your fingertips allows some things to be overlooked. Maybe it's that the boiled-down gameplay recalls a simpler time. Maybe it's simply the lack of distractions -- this is a focused game. It's hard to say. The quest promises to be quite long, though, so questions about whether the whole adventure can stay compelling remain. It's a delicate balance, after all, keeping things simple while maintaining interest.

Improvements to the U.S. version don't stop at adding the aforementioned voice acting. No, the developers have also gone back into the game and replaced the simplistic text-based, black-and-white menus of the import with full-color, icon-based ones. It's a relatively simple touch, but it does do a lot to minimize the archaic feel of the original version. The addition of a full orchestral soundtrack also works wonders for the mood; composer Kouichi Sugiyama's simple and lilting style works much better on real instruments than it did as system-generated music.

The reason this series can attract so many gamers in Japan is suddenly obvious: it's welcoming and simple to understand. But that doesn't mean it's a dull, easy, or uninteresting game. Dragon Quest VIII has amazing personality, a difficult quest, and beautiful visuals. It truly is a world to adventure in, and the first several hours are truly the tip of the iceberg -- you only have time to really complete one quest, to a cavern. Normally, a quest to the bottom of a cavern to retrieve an item from a boss would be the most basic and boring thing you can imagine. Somehow, Dragon Quest VIII's mixture of difficulty and the scale of its world makes it seem just that much more special. It's tough to explain: just get your hands on it and see. The addictive potential is there.

Keeping the spirit of adventure alive is a tough task, and very few RPGs have had the chops to rely on it -- which may be why most concentrate on story, complex gameplay systems, or characterization these days. Dragon Quest VIII is a very different game from most of the rest of the genre, despite the obvious similarities. Finally, Dragon Quest's time has come in the United States. Hey, it only took about 15 years.