Publisher: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Strategy RPG
Release Date: October 17, 2005 (US)
Release Date: October 17, 2005 (US)
Release Date: October 17, 2005 (US)
T for Teen: Fantasy Violence
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

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Publisher: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Strategy RPG
Release Date: October 17, 2005 (US)
Release Date: October 17, 2005 (US)
Release Date: October 17, 2005 (US)
T for Teen: Fantasy Violence

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Walkthrough & Strategy Guide

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Published: Jan 8, 2005

General Strategies

Pay close attention to how many more times a weapon/magic book/etc. may be used, as any unit who runs out of such Items in battle will not be able to attack or defend themselves.

When about to enter a battle, take a look at the stat window for the upcoming battle. Take into the account the HP (character's vitality) for each unit, the Mt (possible damage dealt), Hit (the % of an attack landing on an enemy successfully), and Crit (the % of an attack delivering a critical blow at 3 times the regular damage level). Sometimes it is best to withdraw from an attack if an allied unit is going to be crippled/killed by a poor choice.

Weapons have a triangle of strengths that they are subject to
  • Swords are powerful versus Axes
  • Axes are powerful versus Lances
  • Lances are powerful versus Swords

In turn, each weapon is weak against the one type that is strong against them.

Not all weapons are subject to the same rules as many others in their class. For example, even though an axe weapon is at a disadvantage versus swords, if that sword weapon is wielded by an armored unit versus a unit using a Hammer (an axe weapon that is powerful against armored foes), the normally superior sword using unit is actually at a disadvantage. These types of match-ups are a great way to destroy units that are otherwise too tough to handle for a unit normally.

Magic has a triangle of strengths they are subject to
  • Fire Magic is strong versus Wind Magic.
  • Wind Magic is strong versus Thunder Magic.
  • Thunder Magic is strong versus Fire Magic.

In turn, each Magic type is weak against the one type that is strong against them.

Watch out for and make good use of Master Seals. Since these Items tend to be spread out and not readily available, collecting as many as possible (whether from treasure chests or enemies), followed by smart use on available units will increase the strength of individual units as well as the combined forces. Just note that the upgraded class will not be as potentially as strong as it would have been had it been raised all the way to level 21 first.

Try to always keep a set of Vulneraries or Elixirs on each unit, as healing units may not be available to cure any wounds. It is better for a unit to spend a turn healing themselves than risk them dying due to self neglect.

Before entering into a battle with an enemy unit, use the Y Button to scope out their weapons, items, skills, and stats. By doing this, the best possible match-ups for a fight can be ascertained, meaning that there will be less waste of turns for the outnumbered units (this becomes increasingly important as the game progresses).

Before approaching a boss character, take special note of what they are equipped with, so they can not attack any units before they can attack him/her. Most bosses are very powerful, meaning that they need to be tackled with a very specific plan of attack, so letting them start the fight will often end in disaster, possibly even with the inadvertent death of a weaker character not intended to be involved the fight.

Although some battles are long and extremely tough, sometimes it is better to restart a chapter after a character dies than forging ahead. However, it is truly up to the player to decide if a slain character is worth fighting through a long ordeal again or to just forge ahead in the wake of the character's passing.

Thieves have the special ability of Steal, which can be used to remove excess Items/Weapons from enemy units. This is an especially handy way to garner new sources of Weapons/Items, particularly where promotional Items are concerned. They also are able to open locked doors and treasure chests with ease, making them really valuable additions despite lacking great combat skills.

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