Publisher: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Genre: Adventure
Release Date: November 25, 2003 (US)
Release Date: November 25, 2003 (US)
Release Date: November 25, 2003 (US)
E for Everyone: No Descriptors
Disney's Hide and Sneak
Publisher: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Genre: Adventure
Release Date: November 25, 2003 (US)
Release Date: November 25, 2003 (US)
Release Date: November 25, 2003 (US)
E for Everyone: No Descriptors
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Disney's Hide and Sneak

Kids' game from Capcom. Play as Mickey and rescue Minnie from mysterious flying creatures. You will need to solve puzzles, run, jump, dodge and hide from enemies. Control Mickey as he hangs on to ropes, climbs onto containers and uses stealth maneuvers to evade foes. The game features two playable characters; Mickey and Minnie, three unique gaming environment stages; Warehouse, Museum, and Ruins, and more than 30 animated sequences for both Mickey and Minnie to "hide and sneak." Gameplay is deliberately kept simple and easy to understand for the younger set, utilizing simple reaction-based elements, such as mastering the "trick button" which unleashes special tricks, combinations, and cut-scene rewards.


Also known as: Disney's Hide & Sneak

Disney's Hide and Sneak (Cube)

Release Region: United States
Release Date: November 25, 2003
Publisher: Capcom

ESRB E for Everyone No Descriptors


Release Medium


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  • Two Playable Characters - users can play as either Mickey or Minnie.
  • Three unique gaming environment stages - Warehouse, Museum, and Ruins!
  • Master the "Trick" button - unleash special tricks and combinations.
  • More than 30 animated sequences for both Mickey and Minnie to "hide and sneak."

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