Welcome to Love on a Leash, LLC
Evan Winegard is at the training building Mondays 4:30pm-6:30pm. Thursdays 12:30pm-2:30pm. Fridays 11:30am-1:30pm.
Please call 540-833-8118 or stop by during Evan’s hours for more information. Thanks. Please make sure to leave a message and Evan will call you back.
All other hours are by appointment.
turning your ear to wisdom and
applying your heart to understanding
Proverbs 2:2
Our mission at Love on a Leash, LLC, is to help people live in harmony with their dogs. When you understand what motivates your dog and how to use that motivation in your favor, unwanted behavior is much easier to manage and modify. Then you get to be the good guy by rewarding the good behavior!!!
Some of the activities at Love on a Leash, LLC, include Agility classes, pet obedience classes, Canine Good Citizen classes and test, Functional/Advanced Obedience class, competition obedience and rally classes, seminars, and private instruction for problem solving.
Help fight canine cancer! Give to the National Canine Cancer Foundation http://www.wearethecure.org/ for info.
Puppy Pre-School, Basic Obedience, Canine Good Citizen, beginning agility and Intermediate agility classes are held inside. Functional Obedience is inside and outside. Love on a Leash, LLC Training building is 60′ x 100′ climate-controlled building. Flooring is rubber matting.
Dogs are NOT allowed to wear an electric collar while on the grounds of Love on a Leash, LLC.