October 2017 - The Food Canon

The Daily Devotion

just-for-smiles Wednesday, October 25, 2017
“One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating.” - Luciano Pavarotti Life in Singapore is busy. I don't need to tell you that. Nearly 6 million people living, travelling, studying and working in a small area of 719.1 km². When I was in Toronto for...

'ABC' Pork Ribs Stew

Chinese Sunday, October 01, 2017
By now, some of you may know what "ABC" soup is. I am not sure how that name came about but in my household, it simply meant pork ribs soup with potatoes, white onions and tomatoes. Add some salt or soy sauce and that's about it. The meat combines with the veg to produce natural umami flavours (and so, I read somewhere) and...