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Sense 2 can't turn vibrations off

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Really disappointed that the vibrate can't be completely switched off the Sense 2. Purchased it for my autistic daughter and the sensation is too much for her to tolerate. You would've thought they'd have thought about the many people who wouldn't want the vibrate on constantly. 

Her phone needs to be on so the do not disturb method of turning vibrate off doesn't resolve this. The low intensity vibrate is still too jarring.

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Hello there @Pancake321, welcome to the Community.

I completely understand how challenging this must be for you and your daughter. We truly apologize for any inconvenience caused by the constant vibration on the Sense 2. It's important to us that our devices are inclusive and accommodating to all users.

Your feedback is valuable and will be taken into account for our next models. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.

Unfortunately, the Sense 2 doesn't allow you to turn off vibrations completely. As you mentioned, Do Not Disturb mode should silence vibrations from notifications and calls.

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