Christmas may be over… but Winter goes on forever! And here’s a cute little snippet of holly & berries from the bush in my front porch. A cutie-patootie vase with a little Winter freshness.

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
Christmas may be over… but Winter goes on forever! And here’s a cute little snippet of holly & berries from the bush in my front porch. A cutie-patootie vase with a little Winter freshness.
Looks like it was ice cream night for Allison & Michael. Apparently the waffle cone had a hole in the bottom and they needed an “instant” place to save it. Hybrid mug to the rescue!!!
Here’s a beautiful arrangement of flowers with purples & pinks to go along with a new “aubergine” stamped vase… a special holiday gift from Dad. Now honoring Grandma’s memory with a collection of her favorite flowers. Thanks for sharing Allison!
Sweet little bud vases… stamped by hand making them the perfect stocking stuffer!!!
Only on my Facebook page…
So Taylor & her Mom came to my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW and purchased one of my square vases… with a different “picture” on each side. Looks like it made a beautiful floral showing on their Thanksgiving dinner table. Thanks for sharing your family holiday with all of us! It looks great.
A new oval basket with textured panels & double handles that help hold the flowers where you want them! Ready to make their “big debut” this weekend at my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW… with a limited quantity, so come early!!!
Just in time for my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW this weekend!!! My new double-handled oval vases came out great! I’m very excited by how the soda-firing hit them in all the right places. Making the colors pop, accentuating the textures & patterns… and best, none of that shiny gray “dolphin-skin” finish that soda-firing sometimes creates!
Perhaps it’s Mini Monday?!… with a mini vase & mini green mums!!!
New oval vases with double handles drying in the studio. Each with a textured panel on both sides between the handles… thanks to some textured handrollers from MKM Pottery Tools. Loving the contrast of the smooth rounded ends & handles juxtaposed with the textured panels. Even better… the double handles will help hold your flowers up for a low-profile floral arrangement!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 |