Here’s Allison & Michael possibly having a little “too much fun” with their new holiday pottery items from my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!! Not that there is such a thing as “too much fun!” HA!!! Thanks for sharing… thanks for playing!!!

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
Here’s Allison & Michael possibly having a little “too much fun” with their new holiday pottery items from my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!! Not that there is such a thing as “too much fun!” HA!!! Thanks for sharing… thanks for playing!!!
Another fun night of bingo at IKEA!!! I had lots of numbers & lots of dots… but none that ever got me a BINGO! Luckily, my friend Tiffany scored with a BINGO & won an owl “basket” filled with goodies… and a cool IKEA bucket hat!! She kept the hat… but ended up trading her prize with an other bingo winner! Followed with some fun IKEA shopping… I mean, we were already there… how could we not?!!!
First there was the check-in ChiTri Expo… always fun with my friend Tracy!
But then it was race time…
It was another hot & sweaty day down on the lakefront… but this time there a good reason! Today was the CHICAGO TRIATHLON… swim, bike & run! The weather started out nice with still waters & a cool breeze for the swim… which I must admit was surprisingly “calm” considering it was my first time swimming in the lake since the last Triathlon!!! And by swimming, I mean “flailing about in a forward direction”!!! HA!!! The bike is always fun – although the headwinds heading back south were pretty strong until you get to go underground to ride on Lower Wacker Drive… which is my favorite!!! It’s like riding through the BatCave!!! But by the time I made it to the run, the temps were reaching the 90’s with blazing sun for most of the route through Museum Campus along the lake! Tough… but we finished… finally… all hot & sweaty! Another one done… always fun playing at the ChiTri with my “racing” pal Tracy Wanatowicz… and our annual post-race photo-shoot at Buckingham Fountain!!!
You gotta love when a random package of OREOs just shows up on your Teacher’s Shelf. Sweet treats from a sweet friend & long-time student. Less cookie, more filling?… I’m in!!! Thanks Katie.
But I do think they might be mislabeled?… Family Size?… looks more like “single serving” to me!
I mean, they’re “thins” after all, right???
You gotta love when one of your art fair “besties” brings you a little chocolate-covered yumminess to help make the art fair day even better! Thanks Rhonda… you know me too well!!! Ha!
One of the highlights of the Fourth of July in Chenoa, Illinois is the parade through town. It’s such a retro-flashback parade with people tossing candy to the kids, one marching band, one kid on a decorated bike (Ryann), clowns with water hoses, the Shriners in their little cars… and seemingly every old tractor, vintage car, or semi-truck that wanted to be part of the festivities. It’s a loud parade… but so much fun to see the parade with the little kids having fun along the route. Excited about the candy & festivities… not so much about the LOUD noises!
The weather had cleared up & held it’s own until the very end when a small cloud of drizzle passed over. Luckily, Mimi was there to hold “down the fort” while they shuttled the kids back to the house! I was more about the AMAZING hand-dipped & freshly fried corn dog that followed downtown… a little sprinkle of rain didn’t deter me!
Yesterday took me down to Chenoa, Illinois to spend the holiday with my “adopted family” of friends from college with all of their kids & grandkids! The plan was to start the day with a great bike ride along Route 66. But as I got further into Central Illinois, the clouds covered the sky and the rain slowly began. Not a ton… but enough to cancel my bike ride. So it turned out to be a leisurely start to the day playing games inside while waiting for the Fourth Festivities to begin! Chenoa is known for its great celebration… very old-school nostalgic… with fireworks, a parade, street fair, corn dogs, house decorating contests, street dances, road rallies, flea market, lemon shake-ups & so much more! An annual tradition.
And not only was Cory a great host for the pottery tour weekend… but I also came home with two of her plates that I bought to add to my Cory McCrory Collection!!! And, the artists all got a loaf of homemade sourdough bread as a lovely parting gift… and I “might” have come home with three… allegedly…
I’m getting ready to “spring” right into art fair mode… starting this weekend with a fun pop-up in Central Illinois. I’ll be spending the weekend with my very first art fair friends… yes, they were right across the aisle from me many years ago! They were the seasoned veterans, and I was the unknowing newbie. They took me under their wings & we’ve been friends ever since! But I digress… they will be selling many of their own homegrown plants, and I’ll have an assortment of pottery! If you live in Central Illinois, this is the closest show you’ll find me at… so I hope you can stop by!!!
If not, my next three weekends are also booked with art fairs… with Schaumburg, Hinsdale & Sandwich for the Northern Illinois Pottery Tour… chronologically in that order. Mark your calendars!
Experiencing the eclipse Monday with some friends… with a whole assortment of eye-protection! Also good for shooting photographs through! Here in Chicago, they say we had 94% totality… which was pretty darn cool.
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 |