Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play
Categories: flower pots, flowers, garden

Another “floral surprise” today… my Thanksgiving Cactus has decided to bloom all over again?! This is the exact same cactus plant that was in full bloom for my Holiday Home Show back in November!!! Guess it got tired of just sitting around being green? Time to show off a bit!!! And again… I think it’s all about the handmade flower pot that keeps the plant happy. Just sayin’…

Categories: flower pots, flowers, garden

Look who decided to pop open & greet the day today! My first re-blooming orchid of the season! Hopefully a few more orchids will start blooming in the weeks to come. Always fun to have an old orchid re-bloom at home… I’m sure it’s the handmade flower pot that makes the difference!

Categories: flowers, garden, vases

Christmas may be over… but Winter goes on forever! And here’s a cute little snippet of holly & berries from the bush in my front porch. A cutie-patootie vase with a little Winter freshness.

Categories: flowers, stamped, vases

Here’s a beautiful arrangement of flowers with purples & pinks to go along with a new “aubergine” stamped vase… a special holiday gift from Dad. Now honoring Grandma’s memory with a collection of her favorite flowers. Thanks for sharing Allison!

Categories: Chicago, flowers, garden

On another dreary gray & rainy day, I felt I needed to escape to somewhere “tropical” even if just for a couple hours. So I spent the morning relaxing, chillin’ out & taking in the colors & textures of Garfield Park Conservatory. Such a great way to jump-start my day with beautiful flowers, fantastic textures, koi ponds, Chihuly glass installations & Mother Nature’s magic all happening under the glass roof. A much needed break from gray & gloomy!!!

Categories: family, flowers, garden

This Fall my cousin Kim came over & we planted a LOT of new plants in my front garden. This is my first time trying hellebores & I’m kind of excited to see them flowering at the end of Winter. But I just saw these cuties this morning. Are they going to bloom too soon?… or are they just getting ready to impress me in very Early Spring?! Novice gardeners want to know!!!

Categories: flowers, mugs

Sometimes a mug doesn’t need coffee or tea… they work pretty darn good as a vase too!!! I’ve already replenished the shelves and will have over 100 mug/vases for this weekend’s SECOND HOLIDAY HOME SHOW!!! Kinda the perfect gift… whether it’s for coffee, tea or flowers?!!!

Categories: flowers, soda-fired, vases

So Taylor & her Mom came to my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW and purchased one of my square vases… with a different “picture” on each side. Looks like it made a beautiful floral showing on their Thanksgiving dinner table. Thanks for sharing your family holiday with all of us! It looks great.

Categories: flowers, soda-fired, stamped, vases

A new oval basket with textured panels & double handles that help hold the flowers where you want them! Ready to make their “big debut” this weekend at my HOLIDAY HOME SHOW… with a limited quantity, so come early!!!

Categories: flowers, hybrid mugs, mugs, soda-fired

For those of us that don’t drink coffee or tea… sometimes a fun hybrid mug makes a beautiful vase for flowers! And even if you do drink hot beverages… you can still use a mug for flowers too!!! Just think of it as a vase with a handle!!!