All set-up for Day Two of the GLENVIEW SUMMER ART FAIR… blue skies, blue ribbons… and the crowds are already here shopping!!! And we don’t even open for another fifteen minutes?! Oh well, I sell pottery early… if we must?!

Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
A Chicago potter’s somewhat slanted view of clay & play |
All set-up for Day Two of the GLENVIEW SUMMER ART FAIR… blue skies, blue ribbons… and the crowds are already here shopping!!! And we don’t even open for another fifteen minutes?! Oh well, I sell pottery early… if we must?!
A beautiful sunrise along the lakefront with colorful clouds flying low on the horizon. A gorgeous way to start day… before heading back out for Day Two of the GLENVIEW SUMMER ART FAIR. Just a little re-stocking & re-arranging and I’ll be all ready to go!
Not a bad way to spend a Saturday at an art fair… a fancy new ribbon, playing outside on a beautiful day, selling some handmade pottery & meeting some new pottery friends!!! More fun tomorrow at the GLENVIEW SUMMER ART FAIR… c’mon by!
This weekend is the GLENVIEW SUMMER ART FAIR… in a new location at Attea Middle School. It’s a nice art fair with lots of local artists, each very talented in their own media. Hope you have time to stop by to chat, see some art & to support local artists.
Attea Middle School
2500 Chestnut Avenue, Glenview from 11:00am-5:00pm.
There will also be another art fair going on at The Glen…
however it’s a large “conglomerate” art fair of artists brought in from all over the country. A “stable” of artists that travel in a group kinda like Corporate America doing an art fair. I’m sure their work is beautiful too… but if you need to make a choice, please SUPPORT LOCAL ARTISTS.
Early morning in the kiln room… with my four favorite letters! Still too hot to unload… but I hope it cools quick enough that I can unload after summer camp today?! Please, oh please… fingers crossed.
Otherwise I might be unloading warm pots on my way to set-up my art fair tent on Saturday morning?
And we may have “allegedly” had another YELLOW TOWEL moment… with the newest special flavor of OREO’s. They were good… very sweet… lots of filling. But then again my memories of neopolitan ice cream go along with scooping out only the chocolate flavor… and then being done with the rest!!! So the three “mixed-layered” flavors concept was a little new to me!!! HA!!!
Look who made another visit to my Tuesday night pottery class!!! Student “Nick the Vet” brought this little cutie back into class… and when the puppy pops out, all pottery kinda stops! I mean, how can my pottery demos compete with this little nugget??? Three weeks in a row… and you can tell he’s growing fast!!! Sadly, rumor has it we “may not” see him next week as Nick will be out-of-town!
Lots of clouds this morning… dark & gloomy. I was hoping for some colorful clouds as the sun came up. Instead we got more dark clouds… and I even pedaled through some sprinkles!!! And NOT the yummy candy jimmies kind of sprinkles!
HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Randal, Fred and the rest of The Rogue Potters on getting a new sign… now looking so “legit” and official. Hard to believe it’s already twelve years since I met the “merry band of Rogue Potters” during the Minnesota Pottery Tour… not an official tour stop, but a great add-on with clever signage on the highway! A talented group of potters… so glad I’ve been able to be part of their journey! The sign looks great guys!!!
It’s been a LONG day at the studio… morning camp, afternoon camp, glazing, more glazing… and then teaching again tonight. And as if that weren’t enough, I also loaded a kiln after class … later than planned as the person before me didn’t unload their pieces yesterday as they were scheduled to do. I had to wait… finally able to load late tonight after class!!! Here’s just one layer of the kiln with some new, colorful mugs… which might be coming “still warm” to the GLENVIEW SUMMER ART FAIR this weekend?!
Gary Jackson: Fire When Ready Pottery
Lillstreet Studios ∙ 4401 North Ravenswood, Chicago, Illinois 60640 ∙ 773-307-8664 |