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Home » Methodology » Partisanship and Splitting

Warning against the methodologies that oppose the way of the pious predecessors.

Is it obligatory to warn against the methodologies that oppose the methodology of the pious predecessors?

Yes, it is obligatory to warn against the methodologies in opposition to that of the pious predecessors. This is from the nasihah(sincerity of purpose) that is due to Allaah, His Book, His Messenger, the leaders of the Muslims and the general folk. We caution against the people of evil and we warn against the methodologies in opposition to the methodology of Islaam and we explain the harmful effects of these matters to the people. We also encourage them to remain steadfast upon the Book and the Sunnah. All of this is obligatory. However, this is the responsibility and concern of the People of Knowledge for whom it is obligatory to engage in this matter; that they should make it clear to the people with the method that is legislated, suitable and successful, by the permission of Allaah.

Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan
Al-Ajwibah al-Mufidah, compiled by Jamal bin Farihan al-Harithi.
Translated by Abu `Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
Other subjects of interest:

Schools of Thought and Blind Following
Allegiance and Enmity
Calling to Allaah
Way of the Pious Predecessors
Partisanship and Splitting
Rectification of the Ummah
Disparagement and Refutation

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