Burying the Muslims and disbelievers in the same cemetery
Over in America they bury the disbelievers and the Muslims in the same cemetery, yet the Prophet (Sallaallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said: ((if you pass by the cemetery of the mushrikeen….)) so how do we implement this hadeeth in such circumstances?
I do not know of a prohibition concerning this, and nor do I know of any proof for it being obligatory for the Muslim to be buried in a particular cemetery and that the disbeliever is buried in another cemetery. As for what has come concerning the mention of the deceased being harmed by his disbelieving neighbour – then its authenticity is to be looked into.
Shaykh Muqbil bin Haadee
Tuhfatul-Mujeeb 'Alaa As'ilaa Al-Haadhirah wal-Ghareeb, page 133
Translated by Aboo Haatim Muhammad Farooq
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