3. Rebecca Minkoff Mini M.A.C. | 4. Rebecca Minkoff ''Moby'' Clutch
By now you've all probably heard of SheInside. It's actually one of my favorite affordable online shops because they offer such a wide variety of clothes. I decided to make a few collages with some of my favorite Summer trends, featuring SheInside clothes. I created my collages using Polyvore, and combining SheInside clothes and jewelry with shoes and bags from other designers, to create a complete outfit. Hope you like this, tell me what you think.
xoxo S.
p.s. Enter the GIVEAWAY on my blog HERE.
Do sada ste svi vjerojatno čuli za SheInside. To je jedan od mojih najdražih pristupačnih online shopova jer nude tako veliki izbor raznolike odjeće. Odlučila sam napraviti par kolaža sa nekima od mojih najdražih ljetnih trendova, te sam ukomponirala SheInside odjeću. Kolaže sam napravila sa Polyvoreom, te kombinirajući SheInside odjeću i nakit sa cipelama i torbama drugih dizajnera kako bi kreirala cijeli outfit. Nadam se da vam se ovo sviđa, recite mi što mislite.
xoxo S.
p.s. Priključite se GIVEAWAY-u na mom blogu OVDJE.