via Gypsy Warrior
The festival season has officially begun with Coachella, so I decided to do a post dedicated to festival style. Although we all love music, and obviously go to music festivals to enjoy music, we also want to look stylish and cool. For example, during huge festivals like Coachella, Lollapalooza or Glastonbury, everybody is talking about what the celebrities wore. I feel like more people care about who wore what, than who played that day.
Obviously, we don't have huge festivals like these in Croatia. The closest thing we have is INmusic festival, that I attended last year (my posts about it here and here), and I will attend it this year as well. It's actually a great event, the atmosphere is beyond amazing, and this year a lot of different web sites have named it one of the most exciting music festivals in Europe. Sounds good, right?
I know it kinda seems crazy, but I'm already thinking about what I'm going to wear to this three-day event. I absolutely love all the festival style inspiration that's available on different web sites and online shops right now! I will definitely be wearing something rock chic and boho; these are the kind of looks that I personally love to wear, and the festivals are perfect for that.
Here are some of the looks and pieces that I think would be amazing for attending festivals.
Do you like festival style? Will you be attending any festivals this year?
xoxo S.
This is definitely one of the most casual outfits I've posted lately. What can I say - after all the events and fashion shows, I just want to wear something comfy and cool, especially because the Sun has finally decided to show up. You saw this Insane Jungle sweatshirt very recently on my blog, but worn in a totally different way - with heels and leather shorts. I decided to wear it in a more casual way this time, with jeans and my new beloved minty Converse sneakers.
Hope you like this look :)
xoxo S.
Ovo je definitivno jedan on najviše casual outfita koje sam postala zadnje vrijeme. Što da kažem - nakon svih evenata i modnih revija, samo želim obući nešto udobno i cool, naročito jer se sunce konačno odlučilo pojaviti. Ovu Insane Jungle majicu ste jako nedavno vidjeli na mom blogu, ali nošenu na potpuno drugačiji način - sa štiklama i kožnim šorcem. Ovaj put sam ju odlučila nositi na više casual način, sa trapericama i svojim novim voljenim minty Converse tenisicama.
Nadam se da vam se sviđa ovaj look :)
xoxo S.
One of the biggest trends right now is wearing denim on denim. Of course, as a lot of other trends, this one can get tricky too. I think the best rule is that you shouldn't wear two denim pieces of the same color at the same time. If you do that, you probably won't get the look that you were going for. Instead, you can very easily achieve a very tacky and outdated look.
On the other hand, if you combine two denim pieces of different colors, one dark wash and one light wash, you will get the cool, trendy look you probably wanted. That's how I wore denim on denim too; dark wash jeans + a lighter wash denim shirt. I'm satisfied with the outcome, how about you?
xoxo S.
Jedan od trenutno najvećih trendova je nošenje trapera na traper. Naravno, kao i puno drugih trendova, i ovaj može biti malo zeznut. Mislim da je najbolje pravilo da ne bi trebali nositi dva komada od trapera iste boje u isto vrijeme. Ako to napravite, vjerojatno nećete dobiti look koji ste htjeli. Umjesto toga, vrlo je lako da ćete dobiti jako otrcani i zastarjeli look.
S druge strane, ako iskombinirate dva traper komada različitih boja, jedan tamni i jedan svijetli, dobit ćete cool, trendy look koji ste vjerojatno željeli. Tako sam i ja nosila traper na traper; tamne traperice + svjetlija traper košulja. Zadovoljna sam s rezultatom, a vi?
xoxo S.
Teo P. for MAK
The last night of Cro A Porter was also the least exciting one, if you ask me. Among all the designers, I can say I really liked only one collection - the one by Teo Peric for MAK. Hippy Garden was pretty cool, but nothing more than that. Zigman, Lokomotiva, Borna & Fils and Linea Exclusive; that is the list of other designer that presented their collections on the fourth day. I didn't like any of them. The Lokomotiva duo had a few good pieces, but nothing too impressive.
On the other hand, Teo Peric's collection was pure perfection. I would wear everything from this collection, it was that good. Teo was inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's movies, and you could see that in every piece. The 50's silhouette will flatter any woman's body by putting emphasis on the best features. The colors were also gorgeous: from black and white, to unexpected purple, mint, yellow and pink.
I wore my new favorite Insane Jungle sweatshirt combined with faux leather shorts that you've already seen before. I wanted to create a cool and chic look, so I also wore a hat, a statement necklace and a yellow satchel. This is probably one of my favorite outfits ever.
Tell me what you think :)
xoxo S.
Zadnja večer Cro A Porte-a je bila i najmanje uzbudljiva, ako mene pitate. Među svim dizajnerima, mogu reći da mi se samo jedna kolekcija jako svidjela - ona Tea Perića za MAK. Hippy Garden je bio prilično cool, ali ništa više od toga. Zigman, Lokomotiva, Borna & Fils i Linea Exclusive; to je lista ostalih dizajnera koji su predstavili svoje kolekcije četvrti dan. Ništa mi se od navedenih nije svidjelo. Lokomotiva duo je imao par dobrih komada, ali ništa previše impresivno.
S druge strane, kolekcija Tea Perića je bila čisto savršenstvo. Nosila bih sve iz ove kolekcije, toliko je bila dobra. Teo je bio inspiriran filmovima Alfreda Hitchcocka, i to se vidjelo u svakom komadu. Silueta 50-ih će odlično pristajati tijelu svake žene ističući najbolje atribute. Boje su također bile divne: od crne i bijele, do neočekivane ljubičaste, mint, žute i roze.
Ja sam nosila svoju novu najdražu Insane Jungle majicu iskombiniranu sa šorcem od umjetne kože koji ste već vidjeli. Željela sam stvoriti cool i chic look, pa sam također nosila šešir, statement ogrlicu i žutu satchel torbu.
Recite mi što mislite :)
xoxo S.
p.s. Ako želite znati više o svim kolekcijama pročitajte moj članak za CroModu OVDJE.
3. New minty Converse; 4. Having coffee at Eli's Caffe
Due to some technical difficulties, I'm not able to show you the pics from the third day of Cro A Porter, but don't worry - I'll do the post about that tomorrow. In the meantime, here are my Instagram pics from March.
Tonight is the last night of Cro A Porter, so if you want to be the first to see the collections, don't forget to follow me on Instagram @siennaana.
xoxo S.
Zbog nekih tehničkih poteškoća nisam u mogućnosti pokazati vam slike sa trećeg dana Cro A Porter-a, ali bez brige - sutra ću napraviti post o tome. U međuvremenu, evo mojih Instagram slika iz ožujka.
Večeras je zadnja večer Cro A Porter-a, tako da ako želite prvi vidjeti kolekcije, nemojte me zaboraviti pratiti na Instagramu @siennaana.
xoxo S.
Here are the designers that presented their collections yesterday: XD Xenia Design, Tamara Bombardelli, Ivan Mann, Matevz Faganel, Vain, Damir Begovic & Domagoj Stimac and Dioralop. My favorites were Xenia Design and Tamara Bombardelli. Dioralop was cool too.
Ksenija Vrbanic (Xenia Design) showed us a high quality collection once again. What I love about her design is that you can always be sure that you will get a unique and well-made piece if you decide to buy something from her collection. Ksenija mostly works with the color black, but this time she incorporated a few unexpected bright blue details, which added an interesting twist to the collection.
Tamara Bombardelli decided to combine gypsy and minimal elements in her new collection. In result, we got a very clever mixture of fringes and solid white or black pieces with some transparent moments. Loved the whole collection!
I wore my new fabulous Insane Jungle dress, combined with some cool jewelry, including my favorite VidaKush bracelet that you already saw before.
Tell me what you think!
xoxo S.
Ovo su dizajneri koji su jučer predstavili svoje kolekcije: XD Xenia Design, Tamara Bombardelli, Ivan Mann, Matevž Faganel, Vain, Damir Begović & Domagoj Štimac i Dioralop. Moji favoriti su bile dizajnerice Xenia Design i Tamara Bombardelli. Dioralop je isto bio cool.
Ksenija Vrbanić (Xenia Design) nam je još jednom pokazala visokokvalitetnu kolekciju. Ono što volim kod njenog dizajna je što uvijek možete biti sigurni da ćete dobiti jedinstveni i odlično napravljeni komad ako odlučite kupiti nešto iz njene kolekcije. Ksenija većinom radi sa crnom bojom, ali ovaj put je inkorporirala nekoliko neočekivanih žarko plavih detalja, što je dodalo zanimljiv zaokret u kolekciju.
Tamara Bombardelli je odlučila kombinirati ciganske i minimalističke elemente u svojoj novoj kolekciji. Kao rezultat smo dobili jako pametan mix resica i jednobojnih bijelih ili crnih komada sa nekoliko prozirnih momenata. Jako mi se svidjela cijela kolekcija!
Ja sam nosila svoju novu divnu Insane Jungle haljinu, iskombiniranu sa cool nakitom, uključujući moju najdražu VidaKush narukvicu koju ste već prije vidjeli.
Recite mi što mislite!
xoxo S.
p.s. Ako želite znati više o svim kolekcijama, pročitajte moj članak za CroModu OVDJE.