This Lego space fighter is landing, or maybe taking off in this Tensegrity Sculpture built by Lego Mfr. The optical illusion is a popular new trend in Lego MOCs, and there are some surprising creations. Some of the best are the ones that emphasize the space between the two parts. In this build, that would be the rocky outcropping and the hovering space fighter. Lego ropes and chains have been the favorite pieces to use for the key tension based structure. The ropes blend into the scenery better, while the chains work best when they are supposed to be seen. This build is one of the taller tensegrity creations out there. It uses a lot of SNOT techniques, and the end result would look great on its own. A quick question though, did the space ships engines start a fire, or is the ship hovering over an open lava pit?
You can find more information about this “Space Tensegrity” creation over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/148920425@N07/49867291291/
And, if you are looking for other creative Lego tensegrity sculptures you can find some on EveryDayBricks over here: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/tensegrity/