The recent Pokémon film Detective Pikachu was way better than it should have been. A happy surprise, which seems to have started a whole new trend in video game movies. This life-sized Lego MOC of Detective Pikachu is created by alanboar. The build is actually an update to their previous Lego Pikachu. It has been modified by adding a tan detectives hat, and a magnifying glass. This build uses more than 3,000 Lego pieces, and is not completely solid. By making parts of it hollow it saves on the piece count. Having a hollow head might explain why he has amnesia. In the end, can Pikachu find his missing partner?

You can find more details about this Lego MOC over here: http://lego.alanstudio.hk/moc-pikachu-detective.htm
And, if you are looking for more Pokémon Lego builds, check them out on EveryDayBricks over here: http://everydaybricks.com/tag/pokemon/