Studying for school, doing homework, these things go by a lot quicker with some good music. “The Rock & Roll Dream” is a Lego MOC created by DOGOD Brick Design. Inspired by their own experience of finishing their studies before rocking out. This build has a few really nice details. The lion figure is a great design. The bushy beard works well with the different browns. The hands are especially well done. It is hard to fit all five fingers on a hand when building with Lego, but here just one or two fingers are represented per hand, giving the impression of more. The desk is well made, the bars and small joints combine well to give the impression of metal legs. On top of the desk an old CD player is hooked up to a pair of headphones. The headphones are perfect. The Lego tires for ear cups, and the droid arms combine well. The huge guitar in the background features strings made out of Lego grates, and good flowing curves. When the studies have been completed the reward of rock and roll will be all the sweeter.

Check out the “The Rock & Roll Dream” by DOGOD Brick Design over here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ianhoy/49770201637/