Today I'm thankful for...

A warm home, and a comfy bed

Best friends

Best friends

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

In The Twinkle of an Eye

This Monday, August 21st, our family drove to our home town of Casper Wyoming to witness with the nation a total solar eclipse.  It was phenomenal!  It literally is something you can't describe to someone who hasn't seen it.  It was breathtaking and spiritual.  It made you feel so small and yet so significant.  It was absolutely incredible.  As I watched this magnificent event happen, I couldn't help but cry.  It was that powerful of a feeling.  To be looking at the Sun, and to be seeing the moon and to see the whole Earth change for those brief moments.  The total eclipse lasted for only a little over 2 minutes.  It came, and it went and the moment was over just like that.

Well, that is exactly how I feel today.

There is another moment in my life, that is over, just like that. 

Today is a day I've thought about for many, many years.  It's been an anticipated day of excitement and fulfillment and yet sadness and contemplation.  Today is the day all four of my children went to school, leaving me home alone for the first time in 12 years.  And just like the eclipse, I feel like those 12 years came and went without me even realizing how fast time was moving.  It's almost like a dream.  Of course I have great memories with my children and will continue to make memories and have wonderful times with them, but those past 12 years that we've had together, with them as babies and toddlers and stay-at-home children are past.

I'm so proud of my children.  I'm so happy to be a mom.  I am proud of what I've accomplished and what my husband and I have accomplished thus far in raising our children.  We have learned so much and grown so much and are so blessed from their sweet spirits and personalities.  I'm so excited for the future and what it holds.

I will, however, always look back on these years as the most amazing, phenomenal, incredible experience I could have ever had.  (Just like the eclipse.)  What a blessing to have had these two experiences so close together.  Experiences that were beyond words incredible, and left me a far better person than I was before.


Sunday, July 27, 2014

I Love to Clean the Temple

On Wednesday, I was one of two people from our ward that were able to go clean the Ogden Temple in preparation for the open house that will begin next week.  As soon as I walked into the temple, I knew I had to share this experience with my family, my whole family.  I know that I will not be able to convey through words the exact feelings and experiences that happened that day, but I wanted to do my best to express to my family my newly strengthened testimony of temples.  I also wanted to invite anyone to come see this particular temple's open house, August 1-September 6.  It is so beautiful and stands as a light to the world.  We would love to have anyone stay in our home so as to allow you to come see this temple. 

So, here is my story.

This was the first and probably only time that I will go throughout the entire temple in my street clothes.  They told us to not wear dresses because we would be working and doing things that we would need good tennis shoes and pants for.  They did however have us put booties over our shoes.  The cleaning crew for that morning consisted of around 20 people.  In the lobby, we put on booties and were told to wait until they came to get us for our assignment.  I was just fascinated by everything around me.  As my husband can attest to, I love watching people and knowing their stories.  I'm intrigued by their hobbies and talents.  So, as I stood there in the lobby, I was itching with questions as people buzzed around.  Who were the ladies that were trying to decide what color lamp shades looked best?  How do you get that job?  Why was the gentleman sanding down the front desk?  Who were the men walking around in suits?  And why were they taking pictures?  The man with the blue prints... was he the architect?  How do you get THAT job?  (I actually was REALLY wanting to know who he was, so I DID ask him if he was the builder.  He looked at me surprised and said, "Well, I'm the architect."  I stood there with gaping mouth as if I'd just met a celebrity.  Seriously!  So cool!!!)  Any way, my point with telling you all this is to paint a picture for you.  The temple was still being worked on.  Trim molding is being put up, pictures are being hung, light bulbs are being screwed in, seats are being drilled down, trim is being painted, doors are being hung....and I got to be A PART of it!! 

A woman came to get us and lead us down the stairs to the baptistery.  We opened with an opening prayer and then we set to work.  She divided us up into teams.  One was to clean the bathrooms.  The other teams (which I was a part of), we told to follow her for our assignments.  She then led us throughout the temple.  We were in the basement and we climbed beautiful staircases until we reached the top floor.  We led us into the Celestial Room, which as you know is the most sacred of the rooms in the temple.  The spirit that I felt as I entered that room took my breath away.  I knew that this was the Lord's house, that he was pleased with the work that was going on and that his spirit was with us.  I also could feel so close to me my grandma's, Grandma Bennion and Cottrell.  I had to smile because of course they would be there with me to clean the temple.  They weren't going to miss a chance like this.  Plus, they had to keep an eye on me.  I almost feel my grandma's watching over my shoulder as I mop floors or peel potatoes, chuckling to themselves and thinking," That's not the way to do that, Erin." Haha

Anyway, the Celestial Room is breathtaking.  The theme of this temple is roses, which again, how fitting for Grandma Bennion especially.  Not only roses but PINK roses.  The windows have pink roses up and down them and the carpets and carvings and even the door handles have roses on them.  If you get a chance to come, (which I hope you will), look at the top of the door handles.  Each has a rose no bigger than a small button on them.  Incredible attention to detail!  Another testament of how special these holy houses are to us.  This Celestial Room does not have a large chandelier in the middle like most Celestial rooms do.  Instead it has a huge dome that is overhead and bringing in the natural light of the sun.  Amazing! 

Everyone was given assignments.  I was handed a vacuum and told to vacuum the hallway outside the Celestial Room and the endowment rooms.  I was the only one doing this so I was blessed with being alone to think and ponder. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

This is My Life

At random times it hits me that the life I'm living every day is MY life and I just have to smile because it's really an awesome one, one that I feel is just what I "ordered".  Today it "hit me" as I was sitting on a park bench with my oldest son who turns 9 this week.  We were just talking while we watched the younger siblings play.  As we just sat there talking about nothing too exciting or important, I put my arm around him and gave him a squeeze and said, "I love this, just being with you."  I am so grateful for my kids.  They are my world and have challenged and change me into who I am today, (and who I still am YET to become).  I feel so much more complete because of them.  Another realization I'm coming to is it hasn't been from piano lessons, or art classes or karate, or soccer or reading "how to mommy" books that has made my kids the awesome kids they are, or that have made me the mom I am.  It's been from just spending time together, listening, talking, cuddling, laughing....I'm so grateful I have those moments to cherish, that those moments haven't been missed because we were rushing off to the next activity that is going to "shape my child".  My kids are already pretty fantastic.  It's such a privilege to just get to know who they are already by just simply being with them.  Yep!  I'm pretty lucky.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Rest of the Story

My husband had unexpected back surgery yesterday afternoon.  It was one of those things that helps bring life back into focus and you remember what you know already but seem to forget, that life is precious and beautiful. 

The whole story starts a long time ago.  My husband first injured his back while lying our daughter down in her crib.  Just one of those weird things that happens.  His back hurt for awhile and then seemed to get better, but it really wasn't and over time, the problem got worse and worse.  He tried everything, trying to avoid surgery, but nothing helped.  Therapy, chiropractors, exercises, inversion tables, massages, essential oils, diet, ice, heat, bio freeze, magnets, even volcanic ash.  (Yes... I'm not exaggerating.)  His pain was getting so bad over the last 4 months.  In fact, the last week, he was in agony.  Not to compare his pain to the pain of the Savior and His incredible atonement, but I've never seen someone "tremble because of pain" until my husband had this pain.  He was trembling all over, unable to breath, think, feel, function.... it was horrible to watch and I can't imagine how he felt having to go through it. 

Anyway, we finally had an MRI done which the results from that proved that he needed surgery.  The doctor said there was no amount of therapy that could fix it otherwise.  So there we were... not wanting surgery, not knowing that was what we would need, but knowing it's what needed done. 

Surgery is always scary and makes you nervous.  But things like this, again, always bring life back into perspective.  Not only that, it makes me thankful.  As I laid by my husband on his hospital bed before surgery, I was thankful for him.  Thankful for good friends and family that were praying for us and whose hearts were close to us even though we were far away.  Thankful for the power of the priesthood on the earth and blessings.  Thankful for good health and that we didn't have to be in the hospital for long.  Thankful for our sense of humor and the laughter we were able to keep.  Thankful for my phone constantly beeping, (even though I didn't answer it always) with text messages and Facebook posts of people telling us they were praying.  Thankful for the beautiful day and mountains outside the window.  Thankful for our Heavenly Father's promise that he will never leave us comfortless, he will come to us.  For modern medicine, for the little miracles that happened all along the way that led us to this wonderful hospital to get help, for cute kids at home who kept "bugging" us to see how daddy was.....The list goes on and on.

I'm happy to report, he's doing fabulous!  He feels great.  The doctors say the surgery went perfect.  He has already been up and walking and few times.  It's wonderful to see him with a smile on his face instead of pain.  SOOOO grateful!!

So, thank you to all who prayed and cared and helped.  We are so very grateful.  Heavenly Father lives.  Miracles are all around us.  We LIVE in a miracle.  Seriously!  The fact that we live in a world where back surgery is possible.... miracles!  It's unbelievable.  Prayer works.  Prayers are heard.  I know that. 

We send you our love and our thanks. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Easter Time

Why is it that I forget I can make hard boiled eggs anytime of year, and not just at Easter?  I love hard boiled eggs, and all the good stuff you can make with them, and yet I don't hardly make them at all throughout the year.  Then, the week before Easter, I literally boil up 4-5 dozen!  AND eat them within a three week period of time.  (Probably not the healthiest thing.)  I was also reminded that I obviously don't make hard boiled eggs enough when I handed on to my little girl today for lunch and she said, "WOW!  It's like an egg bouncy ball! Where did you buy that?"  I laughed and told her I didn't buy it.  I made it, which then she was REALLY impressed.  Ha ha

I truly love this time of year.  There is something about Spring that reminds us of new beginnings and new hope and a bright future.  It's almost like new life not only comes to the earth but to us as well.  We as a family have been studying the life of Jesus Christ for the past week in preparation for Easter.  His life and what he did for each of us is truly the greatest gift and the greatest event in the history of time or eternity.  I am so grateful for my Savior. I know He lived then, and that he lives today.  And not as some "power" that we can't relate to or see or touch.  I know he is a real person, like us and he loves us and wants us to come unto him so he can help us bear our burdens and our pains and sorrows.  What an unspeakable gift, the gift Jesus Christ has given us all freely!  May we all be more willing to let him in to our lives and hearts.


Saturday, December 7, 2013

My husband is AMAZING

So, I just had to blog about my husband because I know he loves me more than anything.  He is currently working on a project I've asked him to do and it should have been really simple, but due to plumbing and electrical "stuff" unseen behind walls, it's starting to become a whopper of a project.  So, while he continues to work, (because he loves me) and I'm helpless to help (because I really have no clue what he's doing or how to do it)...I just wanted to blog about him and shout his praises.  I LOVE YOU BABE!!  You make my life wonderful!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Christmas Music

During the month of December, well...really anytime the week of Thanksgiving and after, I constantly listen to Christmas music.  I LOVE the sounds of the old crooners, Dean Martin, Bing Crosby, Perry can you have Christmas without them??!  It's always in the background of our home during the season. 

As a mother of four young children, I sometimes laugh at the comical background music Christmas music makes. For example, as I hurriedly am trying to make dinner and I have Shake n Bake glued to my fingers, and the phone is ringing, and two of the kids are making laps around the kitchen island, one yelling at the other to "Give it back!" and the other squealing with a humor mixed with fear, and the other two kids are wrestling RIGHT next to the Christmas tree, which they once and awhile will get ever so closely to tipping it completely over...(you get the picture)....and in the background you can hear Nat King Cole singing..."All is calm!  All is bright....Holy infant, so tender and mild."  It just makes me laugh.