Finally, for checking the rear spacing, I've got the cool surface gauge I found on Ebay and a dial indicator that a friend rebuilt for me. The block at right has steps for 120, 130, 135, and 140 spacing. All I do is set the indicator at the desired height, check the lower dropout face, and use a caliper to set the final spacing. Works nice.
I also put together some lug mandrels for holding the lugs during carving and grinding. They're basically a piece of tubing with a wedge at the business end attached to a threaded rod that I can tighten on the other end. Took a while to grind the wedge just right, but I used them today and so far, so good.
I talked to the machine shop today and they should have my alignment table parts ready on Wednesday. One thing ahead of schedule! Got a torch on Saturday and routed the hoses down into the basement, just need some tubes now and things are ready to roll.
I'm ready to talk about prices and delivery, so if you're in the market for a frame I'd love to hear from you.
Thanks again to everyone who has helped me this far!