I have to share this recipe with you guys who love tofu and it was an achievement in my cooking adventure. The silky texture is enough to woo my Piggies and this dish was the first to be finished :))) I deep fried the tofu and served it with Thai Chilli Sauce as dipping.
So, being the adventurous me, I gave it a shot and to my amazement, the tofu turned out silky despite the fact that I had oversteamed it by 3 minutes. The eggy rich flavoured tofu was easy to make and it was the favourite dish of the day….for I had a request from Daddy during the reunion lunch to make this tofu again for him (“,)
This homemade egg tofu was a last minute item for our reunion lunch . I can’t believe that I actually make my own homemade silky egg tofu! I came across this food magazine called “ flavours ” March-April 2008 issue, which taught us how to make our own egg tofu. Wow, I thought what a good idea to add this item to the lunch menu coz tofu is light and everyone in the family loves tofu. The light and silky texture would fulfill the ever demanding expectations of my Piggies..what more when it is homemade and preservative free ! ^ *

Homemade Silky Egg Tofu
500 ml fresh unsweetened soy milk
6 Grade A eggs - light beaten
1/2 tsp chicken stock powder
1/2 tsp salt
Line a rectangular steel tray with cling wrap. Pour soy milk into a large bowl, add eggs , chicken stock powder and salt. Mix well with a fork and strain into the steel tray to come up the sides about 3 cm.
Cover the tray with cling wrap to prevent water droplets dripping on to the tofu while steaming.
Steam over medium heat for 12 minutes. Leave to cool, then slice the tofu into pieces. The tofu can be kept in the fridge covered , for 2 days.
Note: You can deep fried it and served with dippings or deep fried and stewed it with a sauce.
Sauce for recipe :
200ml superior chicken stock
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp soy sauce
10 g tapioca flour, mixed with a little water
To prepare the sauce:
Heat a wok over medium heat; add superior chicken stock, oyster sauce and soy sauce. Add tapioca flour mixture, bring to a boil and remove from heat.
Pour over the deep fried tofu and serve.
Hope you too will get to experience my happiness when you try this out :)))
Enjoy !