Rural Wastewater Treatment System-Case-EA TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATED CO.,LTD
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Rural Wastewater Treatment System

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With the progress of urbanization, rural wastewater treatment is an important part of new rural construction in China. More than 90% of the domestic sewage or fecal wastewater is directly discharged into underground or lake, rivers. The eutrophication of Taihu Lake and Dianchi Lake is partly from rural sewage.


The random discharge of rural sewage and the use of dry toilets have caused water pollution in rivers, lakes, and underground water, etc. The treatment of rural sewage can not only improve the rural living environment but also control water pollution in the basin and eutrophication of the lake, and improve the water environment. Besides, the treated reclaimed water is used for agricultural irrigation to alleviate the shortage of agricultural water.

As a leading wireless solution provider of IoT and M2M, Bivocom launched a rural sewage treatment system solution to help rural sewage treatment and improve the water quality environment.


Scheme principle


The rural sewage treatment scheme is a system platform based on the Internet of Things technology. During the sewage treatment process, the automatic control system comes from the perception layer equipment (sensors), network layer equipment and application layer to build. The sensing layer equipment monitors the various indexes of sewage, and the network layer device uploads the data of the sensing layer device to the application layer device, and then the application layer device performs related processing on the data. Through real-time detection and control of the complete set of rural sewage treatment equipment at the corresponding locations, the purpose of purifying, filtering, treating and discharging rural sewage is achieved, and the homes of farmers are green.


System composition


1, Equipment composition: rural sewage treatment equipment includes (sewage collection, sewage treatment, clean water discharge) three systems.


  1. The intelligent control system consists of water quality sensors, water pump, air pump, fan remote control switch; GPS positioning module; TG462 industrial-grade IoT edge gateway or TY 511 remote measurement and control terminal, acquisition and control intelligent terminal and other components.


  1. The system network diagram is as follows: