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Page 242 text:
Suzan Mendez Renee Mendoza Bill Mengert Kelly Mennes Matt Miculics Tina Miller Denise Mills Rod Mills Scott Minnis Dean Mirtle Lisa Mitchell Melinda Mitzel Diane Mobayed Robert Mohle Steve Mohler Linda Mongell Tonita Moniz John Moody Kelly Mooney Holly Moore Julie Moore Kathryn Moore Michele Morata Rene Moro Craig Morton Carol Mullins Lori Munger Allison Murray Kelly Myers Paul Nash 240 Sophomores ' I if , it .I I S .ig Q A A 1 'S x 1' T 4 : Z Q E t X 8 N 3 1 I ff v iff J , X 'Ni Z, Ir . -. , s Q 'L Q '1' 2 'dbx ,,.. P3 at 1-f5ir, ' !lE5:iE in-D. 'G l . Rm ht . B Wx an ,I s v, R x. r x ,ff K I Q 'E me .. FE
Page 241 text:
1 L l ex N, 5 , ky K, fs 5 4 .A 'l f Yr: l I y ' ir- .4 .3 . 5 s .ihxfla !is :fix xx r s 1 1 4 Amused at Lil Bouchelle's reaction to Chinese dating practices Mr. Benoit begins to explain the details further. 4 Concentrating. Jan Warner follows Mrs. Fokert's demonstration of the routine. f ' U 4 , .Q A 32 4 f 1 v. V A D-vw A l W V- A A :L A , A - 4- B f ' ,xl w it is Q RQ 'fijui .,- - , - - ,V g, N. T 'xll -:ra 1 I V . L X ' - fx x IN L ii: ' YQ nivsg, Q Q. ! S ' Anita Loritz Diana Luce Todd Lucero Dana Ludlum Brian Lyle Nicole Lyons Dan Madigan Cathe Magargee Jim Mair Marcia Maizel Bill Mamola Andy March Erik Marcussen Kevin Martin Martha Martinez Jeff Mastin Paul Mathers Cathy Mathews Doug Mathews Allison Matsui Ken Maxwell Sheri Mazone Trenton McCoy Don McCarroII Eric McConneIee Jan McDermitt Greg McElroy Becky McGovern Ninetta McKenna Robert McLeod Doyle McNatt Kristin Megrund Tom Miller Sophomores 239
Page 243 text:
44 Yes, I feel different because I M4 am getting a little older every- d Y fi 3 Mike Gagnon 5, fp . if Q 1 L xxl A 9 x .S I' K L , ffe o f ' .' s , g, I, 3 . j i 4 4 4 , if . Sophomore football player Rob Heller runs plays over mentally. Eileen Garvey. Diane-Shears. and Mrs. Wormdahl review lines just one more time before presenting a play to fellow thespians. Laurie Lee and Kathy Magargee seem incredulous about what the DJ said about homecoming. Lisa Nelson and Cindy Abdalla express concern about an upcoming history test. , B., b 5 . Q .1 . 'N X tl I r A lb' 4 4 X 'P Y nk.: , I 1 x K 1 , - V 1 1 :t? N sr Robin Nash John Neal Glenn Negus Rob Neil James Nelson Lisa Nelson Neil Nelson Huan Ngo Nghi Nguyen Carol Nieckula John Noble Linda Nordhausen John Norkus Anne Norman Christine Norman Nathan Norman David Nouri Karen Nowicki Karen Nunley Brian Oaks James Odlum Terry O'HandIen Henry O'Leary Dave Olson Mike Olson Dawn Opferman Cole Othmer Kelly Pack Marciel Pagulayan Sophomores 24l
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Are you planning a reunion and need assistance? E-Yearbook.com can help you with scanning and providing access to yearbook images for promotional materials and activities. We can provide you with an electronic version of your yearbook that can assist you with reunion planning. E-Yearbook.com will also publish the yearbook images online for people to share and enjoy.