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Page 76 text:
Jean Eluzabeflw Hawk Jean 533 Fers+ Avenue Blrlndav S p ernber 27 Scnenhlu e e ls 5 grea? deal of pep urn and vuoor assembled In inns sma d a 5 e l gertamy nee 1 lmen slve as a olwvsucal educan ea Per l-1 r lavorlfe pashrnes are sp rfs a ng rdlrq and qlwemlsfr A WITIES Rzolnq Club 3 eloal 3 oce ' a Luberly Lufe 4 Wnllsarn Wayne Heacoclc W Bull ZW Easf Umon Boulevard Bnrfhdav M y I6 Sclenlllu o I e oun r llnro 1h program of llwe Navy Axr Corps Af er lf s all over he loo s forward o seeunq llwe world spenl mu Mme ln carryunq on ll'1B I ea of lhe scoul movernenf as well as playmq In llme orclweslra IVITIES O clnslra 2 3 4 N lure Sludy Cl b 2 3 Guy Oswald l-leclc Guy IOZ4 Lnnden Slreef Bnrflwday March 6 Sglenhfl Guys achvufy on flue loofball field and has good nalured personalnly have made hum one of llwe besl known members of The sensor class l-lrs sndelzne rs olrls He lwopes lo be orne a professnor-al foofball player and o qraduale from Lehnolw Unuversufy as a oeoloqusf A IVITIES F olball 2 3 4 Inferclass Baslcelball 3 Sluclenf Cnun-:sl 3 Sensor Play Dorolhy Mae l-lellellunger O Be 'nl lk Brrlhday March B Commercual re as o ner re orrrn r su e e S an musms SU p yfer 0 our ag al earn f res dan :ng and ce a mln her amb o e he bU5'W?55 vcr' a iyplsf AC IVITIES Orqlweslra 2 3 4 fur ' I' ll Th V , V V, Y ,l . . blon , nd lv w'll ' l d his w ' ' for l Q, , 9 A I .C , Cl Wil , l ' J, ' y CT 1 1 Bas I , 4: H lc y 4: Baslre b Il 4 ' ' I' ' ll ' 1 a ' 1 Bill wanls fo qel inf llwe Servf of lwis C ly , uql1 e V-5 - b' ' . 1, A 2 W . k ' f ' . Bill lnas , ch ,' ' ' 'd ls I ACT : r , , 7 a u , . 4. Il ul CT I 0 , , 2 . ' , ' ' . uD +I' R. D, 2, f. elwern ' 1 V 9 He ' an ' o, of our C ll e cial f d nfs. Slv 3 6'1- ' 'ic p o f l lb T, fl - Do ll' NCA l Sli if I Inq, W' , EM rs sh will be a success in f ' f 'Cl GS YI T I ' ' ' YI E A: 1 1' .fri 'lrfy-tn-U
Page 75 text:
Nancy Lorraine I-Iarrzell Nan 50 Easf Greenwrch Sfreer Brrrhday December 4 Commercual Some day soon we hope ro see Nancy as The super excellenl and pleasing secrefary of a 'rravelrnq busrness man Thus posrluon would be a for her smce S e would ve I' see The wor Bowlrnq an danrrnq a e her Iavorufe drversn rs ACTIVITIES Commerclal Club 4 Elsie I'Ia+hazl F as 7I4 Evans Sfreef Brrfhday December I2 Comrnercral ne as fhaf fall ever smnlnnq sennor who has been an ardenr su porfer of Ihe class for fhree years She lnfends Io follow up her com mercral Irarnmq by becomanq someones prnvale secretary COlIPfIlH4 souv mrs specnlly pos? fards s h r hc y ACTIVITIES Commercial Club 4 Nancy Rulh I-Iauser Nancy IIO4 Raymond Avenue Brfhday May II Screnhh Nancy rs one of 'rhe so al buf erfues ol The class Alfhough she as much fo do she can always Ind Mme Io slop and cha? Nancys Irnerd Irness and anrmafvon en ear her +0 all wno now er e 2 4 Lahn Club 2 Rrdmg Club Vuce Presrde 4 Emergency And 3 Cauldron Sfall 4 sfv Donald Edward Hauze e s I428 I'IoI'le Avenue Brrfhday July 9 gnfrf Re s can be seer' play ng hrs Tavorr SDOFI whenever IS respecfnve season rolls arcund Srnce he no+ only olays baslrelball b sebal a d oofball arduously bu does everyfhrnq v Ir vrm and vrqor he wrll sur y oe su cessful an Ihe Army Anr Coros ACTIVITIES H Y 3 fans I 1 ide I ' h l'Ic o Id. ' .d ' ' ll I hll Els' ' , - ' , p- e ' , e . ,X , , I e rbbl. un uv I : A ' 'c ' cl I 2' . h ' ' ' d , ' I: h . ACTIVITIES: Hoclrey 2, 3, 4' Baslce'baII 2, 3, 4: Baseball 2, 3, 4: Liberfv LII . 3. 7 ' - ' ' I ' - ' nl' 3. IIR d ll I I Sci , IE: d Y I . . .Ge N .V . l I 2: y I . I X l 5 I, n, by y I V 4 . li? .I . Y . E. : I- . .rs1'rl1ty-our
Page 77 text:
Leah Orpah I-Ieffelhnqer Puffy 748 Lnd n S reef Brrfhday Auqusi 28 General Leahs dnqnufy and gra :ous 'manner r a Iy make her a popuIar person Her Irnendlnness radra+es through The r'rv ovum of her warm srnrle Afrer a uahhn he expe fs To va'e 'he shorfaqe 0 qua nh d o :ce workers ACTIVITIES BasebaII 2 Lltesavvnq 3 4 Lberfy Life 4 Jamce Rufh I-Ieff I-Ieffy 4l3 East Broad 5free+ Brrthday January 3 Commercnal J nice as a small affracfwe curl wnfh a sparkhng smile who IS con sfanrly rushrnq to be on fume for her band prachces Wrfh her charmmq per enallfy we are sure Jamce wall be a Successful beauhcuan ACTIVITIES Band 2 3 4 OrchesIra 3 4 Commercual Club 4 l T -- ...A Elsa I-Iellbronn sa 730 Prosper? Avenue Brfhday Ocfober 5 Sclenhfr a y :He rndv :dual wnfh The courage of her con vuduons who zealously fhrows hefseIf urvo wha+ever she does Readmq musnc and poefry are her freasured un eresfs She as bound fo be rha very besf of nurses wnfh her aCu+e rnreh qenc courageous Ienacufy and benevolenf affdude ACTIVITIES Lahn Club 2 Dorus Mae I-Iensmqer Dorns T n Avenue Brr+hcay April I4 Comrnercua AS Dre-sodenI' of fhe Personalnfy PIUS Club Dons us a Tune exponenf of :Is ar s S e rs well Irked by aII her cIassma+e Dancmg musrc an spcrfs fake up mos? of her r me Dems pIans fo be a beauflclan AC IVITIES Ba Ice?baII 2 Per5cnar+y PI 5 CIub 3 4 Baseball 2 ' fam' sr rug three ' ll I Il I 9 ' gr d 'J s C aIIe F I I' 'e II' : 1 J ' . ' i ' . I ' ff ' ry 1 1 . 1' ff, a ll Il 5 , , I , A, . . . I . A l X LX ' IIE' ll I : ' 1 EIS is a d namic, I' I '. 'v' ' - I ' ' ll I ll 636 e.'h aII' 'm, h ' ' s. ' , '. CI aI' ' . I , ' . T : s ' IT u . 7 .
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