Liberty High School - Cauldron Yearbook (Bethlehem, PA)

 - Class of 1927

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Page 150 text:

Hervath, James Herke, Louise Hess, Louise Hess, Richard Hinkle, Raymond Hirsch, Milton Hirtle, Jerome Hodson, Flora Hollenbeck, Earling Holton, Frances Hosfeld, Douglas Hottle, Eugene Howard, Mary Hulbert, Virginia Humphreys, Dorothy Hunter, Fred Huthmaker, Robert Hyatt, Grace lde, Margaret lvey, Elizabeth James, Rosa Jobbins, Laura Johnson, Eleanor Jones, Elton Jones, Mae Kapsalis, Mary Kazor, Anna Keohoe, Anna Keim, Margaret Kelley, Walter Kelly, Clara Kelly, Sara Kichline, Blanche Kichline, Margaret Kichline, Morris Klefer, Elizabeth Klase, Emma Klein, Priscilla Koblick, Mildred Koch, Elmer Koehler, Paul Kofliel, Thelma Koller, Helen Korin, Paul Kornfeind, Helen Korpic, Steve Kovatch, William Kranyecz, Steven Kresge, Burton Kresge, Kathryn Kresge, Ruth Kresge, Warren Page One Hundred Thirty-six Kreshka, Basil Krewson, Louise Kuehl, Earl Kulp, Samuel Kunsman, Wilson Kurtz, Dorothy Lacalf, Eleanor Lang, William Latawiec, Joseph Laubach, Josephine Laufer, Florence Lawrence, Michael Lazorik, George Leamon, Harold Lee, Ora Lees, Jack Lehr, Grace Lewis, Ploydene Lichty, Caroline Long, Madelene Luchenbach, Jane Lutz, Rose Mack, Marian Madsen, Alfred Maetropedro, Julia Mahoney, James Maria, James Martin, Miriam McCandless, Donald McCleery, Janice McCeehan, Patricia McGovern, John McKay, George McLaughlin, Jennie McLaurine, Paul Meserve, Ethel Metzgar, Vyonia Meyers, James F. Meyers, Kenneth Meyers, Merlin Miller, Charles Miller, Henry Milligan, Jeanette Mitchell, Eleanor Mohn, Edward Morgan, John Mosebach, Josephine Moses, Eldridge Moyer, Charles Moyer, Cleora Moyer, Elda Moyer, Ruth Mozes, Adolph Murnin, William Muse, Paul Musser, Llewellyn Nagel, Bertram Naugel, Nathan Naylor, Minnie Navatney, William Ohr, Robert Olpp, Margaret Oravec, Joseph Orth, Dolly Parsels, Virginia Pascoe, Ralph Paul, Edward Payrow, Lillian Pentz, Harold Pentz, Katherine Pfeiflle, Evelyn Phillips, Evelyn Pichler, Joseph Pidus, Theodore Pors, Theresa Prokep, Margaret Pulley, William Rader, Henry Rau, Robert Razler, Helen Razler, Louis Rea, Elizabeth Reed, Martin Reed, Russell Reichenbach, John Reinhard, Harold Reisetter, Steve Repsher, Thomas Rebitz, Helen Reynolds, James Reynolds, LeRoy Reynolds, Marie Rice, Hilda Riegel, Jean Riegel, Charlotte Riegal, Robert Roberts, Craig Romig, Harry Rosenberg, Harold Ross, Dorothy Roumeloitus, Steve Ruhr, Dorothy Rush, Douglas Rush, Madeline

Page 149 text:

Agocs, William Albanese, Joseph Andorka, Frank Anwyll, Arthur Arbizzani, Amedio Ashman, Rudolph Atherholt, Edna Austin, Agnes Aykroyd, Arthur Bachman, George Bachman, Theodore Barrett, Marleah Bauman, Earl Behr, Albert Beiler, Myrtle Bell, james Benner, Doris Benner, Robert Bessemer, john Biro, Frank Biro, Gizi QGraceD Biro, Margaret Boligitz, Anthony! Bondarenko, Mary Bonesch, Catherine Borst, Burton Bowe, Thomas Bowen, Robert Braucci, Cecelia Broughal, Lawrence Brown, Evelyn Bruch, Erma Buerschaler, Robert Burcaw, Naomi Burgess, Lottie Burk, Harold Butz, Harry Campbell, Clermont Campbell, Ethel Cantley, Louella Carter, Arthur Chamberlain, Thelm Cherkis, John Chester, Verna Chiles, Leila Christman, Ethel Cissel, Russell Clauser, Frederick Clauser, William Clooney, Hilda 3. bupbumure Qllass 33011 Clooney, Nellie Collins, Cecelia Collins, Madeline Cook, Leonard Cumings, William Curry, john Czerwinski, Wanda Cziffer, Frank Dallacqua, Giselda Davies, Barbara Davies, Dorothy Davies, Eira Day, Dorothy De Crosta, Michael Delgrosso, Philomena Demko, Margaret Desh, Harold Dickisson, Thomas Diehl, Harry Diehl, Lorraine Diehl, Morris Dietrich, Thomas Dimler, Katherine Dorn, Elmer Dries, Eliza Dubbeling, Dayton Earich, Robert Earley, Helen Ehman, Mary Elicott, Stanford Ely, Chloris Enoch, Albert Epinger, Frank Epstein, Sylvia Ernhoffer, Margaret Falusi, Ilona Farquhar, Jean Fatzinger, Robert Fetzer, Aline Fillman, Robert Fine, Kenneth Finkbeiner, Ronald Fisher, Robert Fleisher, Edward Flickinger, George Fogel, Frances Fogg, George Foote, Robert Foulsham, Charles Foulsham, Irene Fox, Norman Frable, Woodrow Frankenfleld, Armand Frankenfield, Gerald Frantz, George Frederick, Eckerd Frederick, John Freed, Kathryn Freer, Everett Frey, George Frey, Kermit Funk, Clayton Gable, Anna Gangewere, Rhea Garland, Mary Gehman, Evelyn Geissinger, Mary Getter, Lucy Glatfelter, Geneva Glazier, Nathaniel Glenn, Catherine Glick, Elmer Godkin, Willard Gold, Lester Goldberg, Sylvia i Goth, Karoline Gradwohl, Arland Gray, Helen Green, Sara Greetham, Virginia Gregorich, John Gregory, Grace Grem, Mildred Guy, Agnes Hagerman, Alice Hall, John Hall, Roberta Harpel, Harry Hart, John Hartzell, Ralph Hartzell, Wilson Hearn, Henry Heckert, Hazel Heimbrook, Alice Heller, Floyd Henry, Marie Herdelin, Nils Herkovitz, Benny Herrity, Lauretta Hersh, Dorothy Page One Hundred Thirlyfve

Page 151 text:

Ruth, Robert Sahatino, Marie Sabol, john Sachs, Almecla Sames, Dorothy Schaeffer, Cyrus Schafer, Marguerite Schaffer, Grace Schaller, Frederick Schleicher, Charles Schlotter, Donald Schmidt, Wilma Schmuck, Annie Schoffner, Eugene Scholl, Reginald Schreiber, Bruno Schuler, Mildred Schupp, Gladys Scoblionko, Dena Seacrest, Caroline Seem, Harriet Seifert, Elvin Shick, Freda Shimer, Acton Shimer, Elwood Shiner, Anna Siegfeldt, Charles Siegfried, Allyce Siegley, Richard Sims, I VOX' Small, Janet Smith, Anna May Smith, Elsie L. Smith, Eugene Smith, lva Smith, Margaret B. Smith Walter Snyder, Ruth Sobolensky, Anatoly Speigler, Henry Starner, George Stauffer, Edward Steager, Margaret Stehley, Harriet Steur, Wilma Stoudt, Alma Stout, Marion Strock, Octavia Strouse, Anna Talbot, Leo Talbot, Paul Thesli, Elizabeth Tice, Allen Trembath, John Troxell, Paul Wahl, Orvilla Waldron, Edward Walker, Margaret Washburn, Vivian Wasser, Dorothy Weaver, Margaret Weeks, Helen Weiss, Dolores Werner, Mark Werst, Geraldine Wheatley, Rhea Whitesell, Miriam Wiegner, Howard Williams, Helen Williams, John Willis, Richard Wilt, Henry Witmeyer, Marian Wright, Dudley Wuchter, Catharine Ulshafer, Marian Yankovitch, Charles Zechman, Harold Zimmer, Louise Page One Hundred Thirty-seven ll l, 1, , r ' l l ll! lil' ll Vlldl N l Nl ll lVll!4li,IJ l NN

Suggestions in the Liberty High School - Cauldron Yearbook (Bethlehem, PA) collection:

Liberty High School - Cauldron Yearbook (Bethlehem, PA) online collection, 1926 Edition, Page 1


Liberty High School - Cauldron Yearbook (Bethlehem, PA) online collection, 1928 Edition, Page 1


Liberty High School - Cauldron Yearbook (Bethlehem, PA) online collection, 1932 Edition, Page 1


Liberty High School - Cauldron Yearbook (Bethlehem, PA) online collection, 1934 Edition, Page 1


Liberty High School - Cauldron Yearbook (Bethlehem, PA) online collection, 1935 Edition, Page 1


Liberty High School - Cauldron Yearbook (Bethlehem, PA) online collection, 1936 Edition, Page 1


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