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Page 164 text:
SREP JV Football o teoratetrmeenneeeicinneentersnee = JV FOOTBALL: 1st Row: Richard Moreno, Al Diaz, Tony Chavez, Ron Hubbard, John Lucas, Benny Perez, Joe McElyea, Tom Desmond, Ron Yonekura, David Busse, ‘Sergio Flores, Mark Johnson. 2nd Row: Mégr. Nancy Shaw, David Salinas, Yacha Shinohara, Bill Seaman, Gary Figueredo, Mike Harlan, Keith Polmanteer, Lalo Ruelas, Mike Johnson, Fred West, Ernie Marquez, John Gallaher, Femando Pintado, Manuel Saldiviez, Mgr. Maria Cubillas, 3rd Row: Sandy Sawyer Mgr., Tony Gonzales, Guy Weber, Eddie Espino, John Babcock, ,Frank Muhlbach, J ames Edwards, Doug Rickard, Luigi Zoni, Craig Froemming, Reyes Jiminez, Ismael Cortes, Gary Rodriguez, J ames Boland, Mgr. Carol Dancan. 4th Row: Coach Karl Larsen, Jorge Llanos, Ricardo Andujo, Vince Adkins, Tom Luhrs, Raul Estolano, Troy Matsumoto, Larry Nazario, Steve Bennett, David Garcias, Ralph Bruck, Israel Martinez, Dave Nickell, Robert Cruz, Emilio Hernandez, Coach George Ohnesorgen. Not Pictured: Tony Anderson, Oscar Granquist, D.an Harris, Mgr. Billy Johnson, Mgr. Mike Whitby. SES Se FO ae Se
Page 163 text:
VARSITY IN ACTION, Page 158, Upper Left: Marty Yonekura runs for a touchdown. Lower Left: Running back Derek Campbell scores against Montgomery. Upper Right: Todd Stoddard throwing a pass. Lower Right: Quarterback Kiko Pintado prepares to pass. Page 159, Upper Left: We may have won, we may have lost, but we-still have our Spartan pride. ‘Upper Right: Duke Murphy blocks: for Chris Johnson. Bottom: Defensive back Gordie Perez takes down Mar Vistan. 159
Page 165 text:
x tnnoreeneseaaseraei Re, RRR ee JV FOOTBALL IN ACTION: Page 160, Sottom Left: Mike Harlan carries the ball. Bottom Right: Ouarter back Genny Perez launches a pass. Page 161, Upper Left: Sergio Flores kicks off. Bottom Left: Vince Adkins blocks a Marian opponent. Upper Right: Lalo Ruelas pushes back Marian offense. Bottom Right: John Lucas and two other players wrestle opponent. came cout caine
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