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Page 17 text:
VINCENT G. KUZAS B.S., Teachers' College of Conn. . . . Industrial Arts . . . Sponsor: Soccer Team . . . his fishing bait comes from his own garden. FRANK McCABE B.S., Oswego State Teachers' Col- lege . . . Industrial arts . . . Sponsor: Boys' Intramurals . . metal manipulator. Queen Victoria . . . 'er, I mean Miss Emery. ROBERT SEIRUP B.S., Springfield College: M.A., CARLYNE RONAI A.A., Bradford Jr. College: A.B., Fairfield U .... Physical Educa- Barnard College . . . Spanish tion...Varsity Basketball Coach. . . . S onsor: Wolcott House P Council . . . Spanish Club . . . a Betty Crocker. WILLIAM J. McNAMARA B.S., M.A., University of Missouri Fairfield U .... Mathematics . . . cl traveling shutterbug. CAROLE R. MOORIN B.A., U. Conn .... Science . . . Sponsor: Dance Club . . . Advisor: Class of 1960 . . . musician, dan- cer, reader . . . versatility plus. team BENJAMIN J. GU ERRA Havana Teachers College, New Haven State Teachers College . . . Adiusted Curriculum Class . . . Sponsor: F.T.A .... a Spanish Robert Frost. JOYCE A. POWER A.B., Emmanuel College . . . French . . . Sponsor: Cheerlead- ers . . . Pep Club . . . card shark at bridge. S e e wifi s ec g , uw... .1 f' 1: ,, Mg ,K ,z J f +z i:-Sita.. ' A :':5'?o JOHN W. MEAD A.B., Middlebury College: M.S., U.B .... Mathematics . . .Spon- sor: Intramural Basketball . . . another world - sports!! MILDRED G. PLUMMER B.S., Simmons College: . . . Li- brarian . . . Sponsor: Junior Red Cross . . . Library Club . . . Girl Scouts.
Page 16 text:
HELEN C. CARROLL B.S., Arnold College . . . Physi- cal Education . . . Sponsor: Girls' sports . . . G.A.A .... through o camera lens, she has a birds- eye view of the world. VIRGINIA H. EMERY B.A., Wellesley College: M.A., Vanderbilt U .... English . . . Sponsor: Wolcott Dramatics . . a disciple of Goren. EBEN W. BURR B.A., University of Michigan: M.S., University of Bridgeport . . . Mathematics . . . Sponsor: Sea- manship Club . . . a watcher of the waves from a sailing sloop. DOUGLAS CHRISTIE A.B., Middlebury College: M.A., Columbia U. Teachers College . . . History . . . Sponsor: School Council . . . camping mountain- eering, a Davy Crockett at heart. wolcolt PAUL EGAN B.S., M.A., American Interna- tional College . . . Business . . . Sponsor: Crimson Crier, Basket- ball . . . lover of the legitimate theater. PETER J. HARRITY A.B. College of the Holy Cross: M.Ed., Worcester State Teachers College . . . English . . . Spon- sor: Assembly Commission . . . tennis team . . . 34-22-34 hike!! LORRAINE BURNS B.S., Marywood College . . . Busi- ness . . . Sponsor: Club Com- mission . . . Social Committee . . . Senior Class Advisor . . . a nimble knitter . . . a queen pin at the bowling alley. JULIE SAUR B.A., Wellesley . . . English . . Sponsor: Ushers' Guild . . . won- derful wool worker. GORDON INGERSON A.B., Brown University: M.A., N.Y.U .... History . . . Sponsor: School Council . . . fix-it-yourself fan . . . beachcomber. EDWARD T. BARRY, JR. A.B., St. AnseIon's College: M.Ed., Boston University . . . History . . . Sponsor: Jr. Varsity Foot- ball . . . trout trailer . . . digs the crazy sounds of dixieland jazz. ANNE E. JOHNSON A.B., Jackson College . . . Eng- Iish . . . Sponsor: Assembly Com- mission . . . Florence Chadwick, Vincent van Gogh, and Helen Hayes put together.
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EDWARD CANFIELD B.S., M.A., New York University . . . Office Practice . . . school treasurer . . . walks, and walks, and walks . . . Where's your corridor pass? DONALD A. CRAMER B.S., Gorham State Teachers Col- lege . . . Auto Shop . . . Basket- ball Coach . . . Hunting deer??? WN IZOBEL BURGSTALLER B. of Music, Boston U., M. of Music Ed., College of Music . . . . . . Music . . . Sponsor: Concert Choir, School Council . . . an- gelic voice. MARY B. CARLEY B.A., Hunter College, Physical education . . . Sponsor: Girls' Athletic Association, Girls' Var- sity and Intramural Sports . . . novice on the golf links. 1 . 'sqft f 1 ft , ft- , FREDERICK H. BORMANN B.S., N.H.S.T.C., M.A., Yale, N.H.S.T.C. Cooperative Program . . . English . . . Sponsor: Year- book . . . pacifier of irate year- book editors. STEWART WASHBURN B.A., Middlebury College, M.A., Teachers College, Columbia U. . . . Mathematics . . . Faculty manager of athletics . . . devout follower of Goren. smeclley PETER L. CLARKE B.F.A., B.S., Rhode Island School of Design . . . M.S., Secondary Education at University of Bridge- port . . . teaches art. . . A painter in his own right. WILFRED F. GARCIA B.A., M.A., University of New Mexico . . . Spanish . . . Spon- sor: Student Exchange Commis- sion . . . Advisor to Class of 1959 . . . Music, Music, Music. MARION S. WALSH B.S., M.Ed., Boston U., Hillyer . . . English . . . Sponsor: Hi- Lighter . . . likes iazz, loves Pontiacs. KATHERINE F. GRACE B.S., Russel Sage College . . . Business . . . likes to read and read and read. LILLIAN ALTMAN B.A., Mount Holyoke . . . Eng- lish, Latin . . . Sponsor: Class of 1960 . . . Smedley Dramatics . . . she broke 100 - now for the second hole. WARREN S. HARVEY B.S., M.A., Buffalo State Teach- ers College, New York Univer- sity, teaches Mathematics . . . happy wanderer . . . carpenter first-rate.
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