Wednesday, February 14, 2018

80 Day Obsession Phase 1 Review

Ahhhhhh!!!!! We are DONE with Phase 1 (aka 28 days) of our 80 Day program!!!! Nope, it hasn't been EASY - but it also hasn't been NEAR as "hard" as expected! Seriously though- the last week of this phase involved flying to Park City and being there, away from home, for 5 days!!!

In that month, I've lost 5 lbs and 5 inches! I'm fitting into SOME of my goal jeans and wearing some shirts that are actually FITTED instead of covering everything up!

Yep- no pizza, no ordering in, no fast food for a MONTH- and I feel the happiest and healthiest I have in YEARS!!!! And TODAY is Valentine's Day and I've managed to AVOID the sweet treats haunting me from my kids' bags of candy LOL.

No denying when you see RESULTS from the BACK!
If you've been feeling lost in the yoyo diet cycle- I feel ya! I have been there FAR too long! Having an EXACT plan to follow has SAVED me!!! I'm actually feeling strong and confident- believing in myself and what I can do again! TOTALLY worth it!

If you'd like more info on how YOU can get your habits under control too- check out more info here and fill out the application so i can be your coach!

Stay tuned for my travel tips blog on how we stayed on track, but I just wanna reassure you that it's TOTALLY doable! The nutrition is timed, there are no question marks, super straight forward and you are armed with a PLAN, which is EXACTLY what I need! This mama has a FULL plate, and having my week LAID OUT for me has made my life SO MUCH EASIER!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

FREE Love your AAA Challenge

Ok you know I LOVE me a good FREE group to GIVE you some tips and tricks to help make your life BETTER!!!

And this one you’re gonna LOVE!!!

This new program has already got me down over 6 inches (and fitting in my SKINNY jeans) in just 21 days. It's unlike ANYTHING I’ve done before and I’m gonna share some of my FAVORITE moves with YOU!!!

I'll be working right alongside you because this girl has GOALS too!

We’re talking 5 days of Arms, Abs, and YEP- A@@ moves to start getting your body in tip-top shape!

And it all takes place in our FREE community (plus there are GOBS of other goodies- like workout moves, meal plans and MORE!)

Come join us- it will be FUN and there are PRIZES, plus you never know what awesome new friend you might make!!!!

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Grace Not Perfection

One of my latest reads TOTALLY struck a cord with me! I'm really focusing on balance and being PRESENT where I am this year- and that can honestly lead to some overwhelm some days when my scheduled didn't go as planned or my day didn't feel "balanced" or I found myself reaching for my phone WAY too often! ;)

The book, Grace Not Perfection by Emily Ley, is a great place to start if you're always catching that "Mommy guilt" bug.

And, I feel like, especially as moms, we have such a tendency to automatically go to guilt and question ourselves and what we're doing- if we're spending enough time with our kids, if we shouldn't be working, if we're awful moms because we have our own dreams and goals that fall outside of motherhood!

Hope this video and tidbit of book review is helpful! I loved this book as I loved Emily's other book A Simplified Life. I highly recommend both of these books- especially if you're a mom who has big goals and dreams! :)