crows or raccoons?
The last few weeks I've noticed a murder of crows foraging about at the edges of our non-lawn. Hard NOT to notice, since they're highly verbal creatures, making their presence known at 5 am every morning. So when we arrived to find a handful of molested fruit lying beneath our largest tomato plant, I was all set to vote for crows...until another dastardly candidate presented itself.
In the middle of the night, Seven, our quiet cat (no joke), let out a sound that had me out of bed and at the front door (jumping over Michael) in under 10 seconds. It sounded like she was being ripped apart, slowly, with hot tongs. Instead, she was face to face (through the glass of course) with a raccoon. Said raccoon seemed entirely nonplussed by the screeching cat and sleepy human. It lumbered off the deck, slowly, leaving a trail of muddy footprints on the hood of the Volvo.
So who's the rat bastard who destroyed our first two red tomatoes before we had a chance to taste? All the rest are green, and it will be at least two weeks before we have another chance at home grown tomato goodness. If the craccoons don't get them first.