ready, aim, fire
One of our goals this summer is to do more stuff together. Michael will come foraging with me and I'll try shooting with him. Two weeks ago we signed up for a mushroom walk; turns out the website listed the wrong place so we were thwarted (along with 10 other eager mycophiles). This morning we had perfect weather as we headed to the rifle range. Michael was going to show me how to shoot his 22 Marlin.
In my first year at camp I won a sharp shooter award for BBs. True, that was 40 years ago. But I had a feeling I might be good at this. I was. And I really liked it.
A few years ago Michael got into archery. He liked the way it slowed him down, helped him relax, get centered. I don't care much about slowing down. I suppose I should, but the truth is, I enjoy my fast paced pace.
While I don't strive for relaxation through marksmanship, I do admire and appreciate skill. I also enjoy the learning process, the striving, the getting better at something that isn't easy, that not everyone can do. Hitting a bullseye is damned satisfying.
Will I be buying a game license this fall? No. If I were starving, I might hunt as a last resort, but otherwise the thought of pulling the trigger on an animal is unbearable. Couldn't do it. Will I continue going to the rifle range with Michael? You bet your sweet gopher-shaped target I will!
Labels: target shooting