NYC Grows!

After that, the fun never stopped: excellent energy and an exciting day. Every hour I put together a different container combo for various growing conditions: full sun outdoors, sunny indoors, shady outdoors, and the ever-challenging, low-light indoor location. We raffled off each container garden after the demonstration and the line for free seedlings wrapped around the booth. Fafard gave away 1600 marigolds and cherry tomatoes and even more vouchers for free potting mix.
The funny thing is that I've loved and used Fafard for more than 10 years, long before I met any of the folks who worked there. I'd recommend it whether they were paying me or not. (In the interest of full disclosure, let me be clear, they are.) You may not be able to find it at the big box stores, but it's worth looking at your neighborhood garden center for a bag or two of the good stuff.
P.S. Thanks to Ellen Spector Platt for taking the photo!