Bill - BillyBones
Perth Western Australia 6059
66 years old
Joined On: 1/7/2010
Last Login: 9/25/2013
Experience: Expert
Looking For: Dive buddy - just friends
G’day World,
I have been diving since I was 13, (yes thats over 37 years now...I know, don’t keep reminding me. : ) and have just about grown a pair of gills since I started. Although I am approaching my dive by date, I have no intention of hanging up my fins for a long time yet.
I work as a pro snapper (commercial photographer) for a living, although I would rather shoot video any chance I get on my dives and would rather dive than work, so being self employed I take any opportunity I can to do just that. Lifes like that in the land of Oz! lol
Love to hear all about your dives in your part of the world.