Click on pictures for larger-than-life versions. The "thumbnails" are roughly
to scale (128 pixels equal a foot) and sorted by size, besides a few old
cruddy ones intentionally left at the bottom.
Broken-back Seax - Based on the famous "Beagnoth" seax, with my own handle.

Short Sword Spear - a smaller version of the sword spear below

Pseudo-Asiatic shortswords

Dragon Flyssa

Embertine - based on type
Z and
AE Viking swords.

Yatlass - A hybrid yataghan/cutlass that now exists!

Yelman Falchion - A sword combining oriental and European styles

Sword of Isis - An anachronistic sword with a bit of Egyptian flair.


Three-Ring Rapier

Grayswandir - the sword of prince Corwin of Amber

Danish Long Sword

Sword Spear - a short polearm

Black Mariah - Dark & eldritch. Also my first attempt at drawing damascus steel.

Hewing Spear - A polearm similar to a
or this coincidence.

Han Sword - Based on an old bronze sword hilt.

Fantasy Leafy Sword - The blade is based on the bronze "Limehouse sword".

Fantasy Fishy Sword - a fish-tailed long sword, precursor to the Black Mariah design.

Fantasy Viking/Celtic Dagger
A dagger or dirk that has a hilt similar to some viking swords. Rendered in 3DS MAX
(First draft on the left, final version on the right).

Doodles related to above swords
Playing with ideas before drawing a more involved sketch. The winged sword that later became Embertine goes way back...
Fantasy Sword Doodles
Little scrawlings on post-it notes etc. The middle one on the left ended up in a Morrowind mod called
Three Shades of Darkness
(at a larger size though).
More Doodles
Mixed bag of old and new sketches, including evolution between the Morrowind "dreamweaver" design and the recent hewing spear. The bowie-like knife was a precursor to the Yatlass design.
Content and images copyright 2001-2006 Iikka Keränen