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Since its origins in 1890, University of Chicago Press’s mission involves dissemination of scholarship of highest standard and to publish works that promote education, foster public understanding, and enrich cultural life. The press its books and journals in advancing scholarly conversation across traditional disciplines and defining new areas of knowledge. University of Chicago Press also publishes non-scholarly work by writers, artists, and intellectuals, historical and contemporary translations of foreign-language texts, and books that contribute to the public’s understanding of Chicago and its region.

Our Nazi An American Suburb’s Encounter with Evil Michael Soffer
Partisan Nation The Dangerous New Logic of American Politics in a Nationalized Era Paul Pierson, Eric Schickler
A Prodigy's Calling The Early Musical Biography of Cosmas Magaya, Zimbabwean Mbira Master Paul F. Berliner
Cave of My Ancestors Vishwakarma and the Artisans of Ellora Kirin Narayan
Economy and Interest A New Presentation of the Fundamental Problems Related to the Economic Role of the Rate of Interest and Their Solutions Maurice Allais, Bertrand Munier, John Stephen Daly
The Power of the Badge Sheriffs and Inequality in the United States Emily M. Farris, Mirya R. Holman
Soviet Factography Reality without Realism Devin Fore
The University of Chicago A History John W. Boyer
Infinity Pool Jonathan Thirkield
Dual Justice America’s Divergent Approaches to Street and Corporate Crime Anthony Grasso
Throw Yourself Away Writing and Masochism Julia Jarcho
Challenging Inequality Variation across Postindustrial Societies Evelyne Huber, John D. Stephens
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