What's in the Show Archive?
You can see or enter the show details (where, when, etc.), the setlist, and
provide information about any known recordings of the show. Once any of the
above information has been provided (you don't have to enter all of it),
you can then re-visit the page for that day and add pictures from or a
review of the show. If show information has already been provided, you can
see that and immediately add pictures or a review. I've started the
archive with a show on December 2, 2006. Select 2006, Any, Any below if
you want to see it as an example.
When do I get to see what I've submitted?
Once you submit information, it doesn't appear on the web until after I
have approved it. I try to check for new submissions regularly, so you
shouldn't see more than a few days delay unless you've caught me at a
really bad time. I've found that some operating system / web browser
combinations don't work with my picture uploading method. I'm trying to
figure out a way around that, so if you know how, or if you find
something else not working, please let me know via my comment page.
Use the menus below to select a show, and see or enter the show details, along with reviews and pictures.
Find or add a show:
Mongrel Music, Dave's booking agent has a good up to date list. They get paid to do this, so do a much better job than I can!
YepRoc, Dave's label also has a list of upcoming shows.
Billy Davis keeps a list of Blasters and Dave Alvin dates.
And of course, you could always check Pollstar.
Last Updated: 06Jan18