Half Forward Fold - Ardha Uttanasana

Standing half forward fold, or ardha uttanasana, can be overlooked as a transitional pose, but it has many benefits on its own. The pose gently stretches your hamstrings, lengthens your spine, and tones your core. It's a great warm-up for deeper forward folds.

During typical sun salutations, ardha uttanasana comes after your first forward fold (before stepping back to plank) and when you step forward again after downward facing dog. The pose is often called by simply saying something like "part-way lift" or "rise to a flat back."

Getting into Half Forward Fold (Ardha Uttanasana):
  • Begin from a standing forward fold (uttanasana), letting your upper body hinge forward from your hips. 
  • Lengthen your spine as you lift your upper body away from your legs press your hands into your shins, or onto blocks, for support. 
  • Keep your neck as the extension of your spine and let your gaze come slightly forward.
  • Engage your core as you draw your low belly in toward your spine. 


Ardha uttanasana can be easily adapted. If you have trouble feeling comfortable with this half-way lift, there are some easy modifications which might help.
  • When your hamstrings are tight, try bending your knees. Focus more on bringing your belly toward your thighs than on straightening your legs. 
  • Keep your hands on your shins unless you can place them on blocks or on your mat without rounding your back. Just be sure you are not pressing into your knees. 
  • If your neck bothers you, do not look forward. 
  • If you are comfortable in the pose, think about shifting your weight forward to bring your hips over your heels (the tendency is to shift your hips back).


You can take ardha uttanasana on its own, without being part of a sun salutation or vinyasa transition. As a variation, you can take the pose with your hands against a wall or resting on a countertop or other piece of furniture. With either of those options, keep your back parallel to the floor and your hands resting on the wall or furniture at about the same height as your waist.

Things to think about:

Ardha uttanasana can be easily overlooked during vinyasa transitions, which means you may not be getting all the benefits of the pose. During transitions, think about using this pose to lengthen your back and check your core engagement.

Also remember that less is often more in yoga. Don't let your ego push you to straighten your legs or otherwise deepen this pose before you are ready. Listen to what your body needs each time you practice.


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