August 2008
Goodbye Beijing
Goodbye Summer Olympics. It’s been fun to watch the Olympics–to see someone like Michael Phelps win 8 gold medals. It makes me recall my Olympic dreams of competing in the Winter Olympics as a skeleton or bobsled racer. I had the goal to compete in Torino in 2006. I even made a trip up to Park City to find out how to join a team or club but I never found the right person to talk to. I probably should have gone to Home Depot. I bet there would have been someone there that knows all of the details.
Since I believe I still have a chance to take home a Gold, I am now announcing my intention to compete in the Summer Games. Come 2028 I will be competing in the Senior Summer Games. I have yet to determine which sport I am going to be competing in, but I have a good twenty years to figure that one out.
I open the front door and Brooke comes running. She is intent upon going outside and seizes the opportunity whenever we allow her. She’ll head up the stairs and race north down the sidewalk. Where’s she going? She is heading straight to the pool. Brooke absolutely loves the swimming pool. Thanks to my ingenious mind, an old mostly broken camera, and a Ziplock bag, we are able to bring you, our fans, along on our trip to the pool today.
Brooke loves to get up on the side of the pool and jump back in. This works great until one time the other day when I looked away long enough for Brooke to come crashing down on my head.
Brooke loves splashing in the water intake holes.
The view from underwater
What do these items have in common?
A washcloth
A wood chip
Mr. Potato Head faces
These are just some of the items that Brooke has recently put up to her ear, pretending they’re a cell phone.
She’s obsessed.