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I’m Sorry, I Used the R Word. Never Mind.

The Peasants Are Revolting, So Let’s Get New Ones | National Review Online

If we have problems in our political culture, problems with the inculcation of good work habits, problems with the weakening of the family, how does replacing our people with foreigners help? The most charitable interpretation of Jeb’s preference for foreigners over Americans is that he thinks immigrants are inherently more capable of resisting the problems of modernity than weakened Americans and will somehow spread that resistance to the rest of us. But the reality is that immigrants and their families experience the same Fishtown/Belmont problem as anyone else. If anything, they’re more likely to end up in Fishtown: The native-born daughters and granddaughters of Hispanic immigrants have an illegitimacy rate of more than 50 percent, and the children of immigrants commit crimes at dramatically higher levels than average.

Mass immigration is not a deus ex machina. We’re going to have to solve our own problems.

That given, you’d think that a rational response might not to be throwing our borders wide and giving ourselves a whole host of new problems to struggle with.

Take a Look At a Huge Chinese Bitcoin Mine

A Rare Look Inside A Massive Bitcoin Mine | TechCrunch

Bitcoin mining is not a pretty business. It requires lots of specialized servers that are essentially unusable for normal computing and lots of cooling. But when you bring thousands of miners together in the same room, things really get ugly.

Motherboard has some fascinating footage of a bitcoin mine in Liaoning Province, China. The mine, set up in an unused factory, is a snakes’ nest of wires and high-powered fans, a sort of high-tech server farm that is so resource-intensive that it has to be optimized to a fault.

Well, throughout history, mining has traditionally used a lot of slave labor, so….

Save 25% On Men’s Underwear

25% Off Sale on Men’s Underwear

Remember – anything you buy from Amazon through any link on this site puts a commission in my pocket, at no cost to yourself, so thank you very much! Also, arf! from the Presidential Pomeranian.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Check out my new bestseller, Lightning Fall: A Novel of Disaster. Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit.com says: “Bill Quick has authored a terrific thriller that is also an all too plausible warning. Highly recommended!” Available in Kindle e-book or trade paperback formats.

Drain, Meet Circle

These Are The RadioShack Stores That Are Closing

Yes, it’s true: after somehow clinging on for the last few years, RadioShack is
finally, officially bankrupt. But that doesn’t mean that every single store will be vanishing — far from it, in fact. There’s now a list of all the stores that will be going in the next few months.

Huh.  It seems like only yesterday I was seeing commercials showing me how Radio Shack was replacing its old, tired, pathetic look with a new, tired, pathetic, look:

Oh, wait. That was just yesterday.

Bad Luck

Secret stash of Moon artifacts found hidden in Neil Armstrong’s closet

These are the contents of a mysterious white bag found hidden in Neil Armstrong’s closet: Weird looking lamps, wrenches, utility brackets, sights, and a film camera that later was identified as the one that captured the famous Apollo 11’s descent on the Moon’s surface. Nobody knew about it, including his widow.

According to NASA, Carol Armstrong sent photos to Allan Needell, curator of the Apollo collection at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, who immediately knew what was inside: It was a McDivitt Purse full of parts from the Eagle, Apollo 11’s Lunar Module:

There’s something sad about this.  I guess the thing that depresses me most is that this happened 45 years ago.  At the time, I envisioned that by now we’d have thriving colonies on the moon and huge stations at the L4 and L5 points.

Instead, we have a massive, bankrupt welfare state.

Shop the Carhartt Big and Tall Store at Amazon

The Carhartt Big and Tall Store

According to Mark Rippetoe, real men weigh at least 200 pounds. Could be….  At any rate, tough clothes here for big, tough men.

Remember – anything you buy from Amazon through any link on this site puts a commission in my pocket, at no cost to yourself, so thank you very much! Also, arf! from the Presidential Pomeranian.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Check out my new bestseller, Lightning Fall: A Novel of Disaster. Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit.com says: “Bill Quick has authored a terrific thriller that is also an all too plausible warning. Highly recommended!” Available in Kindle e-book or trade paperback formats.

Employment Fraud

Rep. Issa calls So. Calif. Edison tech layoffs ‘deeply disturbing’ | Computerworld

The layoffs of IT workers at Southern California Edison (SCE) has drawn the attention of U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa, (R-Calif.), who called reports that the H-1B visa program is being used to replace part of SCE’s workforce “deeply disturbing.”

“Based on the information currently available, this appears to be an example of precisely what the H-1B visa is not intended to be: a program to simply replace American workers en masse with cheap labor from overseas,” Issa said in a statement released late Friday.

The utility, southern California’s largest, is cutting about 500 IT workers, 100 of them through voluntary departures and others through layoffs. IT employees say H-1B visa holders, working for the two outsourcers on the project, Infosys and Tata Consultancy Services — both based in India — are replacing them.

Any US company that lays off American workers should be forbidden to employ any H-1B visa holders.

It’s companies like these, by the way, that the Gentry GOP apologists are running interference for.

Global Warming In a Nutshell: GIGO

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever – Telegraph

When future generations look back on the global-warming scare of the past 30
years, nothing will shock them more than the extent to which the official
temperature records – on which the entire panic ultimately rested – were
systematically “adjusted” to show the Earth as having warmed much more than
the actual data justified.

Two weeks ago, under the headline “How
we are being tricked by flawed data on global warming”
, I wrote
about Paul Homewood, who, on his Notalotofpeopleknowthat blog, had checked
the published temperature graphs for three weather stations in Paraguay
against the temperatures that had originally been recorded. In each
instance, the actual trend of 60 years of data had been dramatically
reversed, so that a cooling trend was changed to one that showed a marked

This was only the latest of many examples of a practice long recognised by
expert observers around the world – one that raises an ever larger question
mark over the entire official surface-temperature record.

The Global Warming scam continues to founder upon the shoals of reality.

No matter that the fantasy-based thinking of the religious progressive left continues to insist otherwise.

At Amazon: Kitchen Aid Stand Mixers, Slow Cooker Sale, Last Minute Gift Cards

Deals on Kitchen Aid Stand Mixers

Take Half Off On Slow Cookers

Pressed for Time? Gift Cards From Every Store You Can Think Of

Remember – anything you buy from Amazon through any link on this site puts a commission in my pocket, at no cost to yourself, (you can check previous Amazon links by clicking the All Amazon Links menu item at the top of the page), so thank you very much! Also, arf! from the Presidential Pomeranian 2016.

Also of interest:

Can You Condiment?

23 Fascinating Facts about America’s Condiment Kings: Ketchup, Mayonnaise, and Mustard | PJ Lifestyle


I rank them Mayo, number one, catsup, number 2, and mustard, number 3.

I prefer my fries with mayo, and I like most things that work with catsup better with mayo.

Except for meatloaf topping.  That has to be catsup.  Heinz, preferably.

I do put mustard in my Caesar dressing, though.

3. President Richard Nixon’s favorite sandwich was cottage cheese, pineapple, and ketchup.

When she was very young, my sister liked to put catsup on her pumpkin pie.  When I reminded her of this more than 60 years later, she said that couldn’t be, because she hated pumpkin pie.

No wonder, I told her.  I would, too, if I’d eaten it with catsup as a kid.

Our Oilbag Enemies

So… That Major Saudi Investor In Fox, Who Has Demanded and Received Changes in Fox’s Coverage of Muslim Riots and Outrages, Is… A Terrorist Financier

As @davereaboi notes, at least Fox reported on this.

That’s fine. But we should also talk about why they have been in bed with an obvious terrorist sympathizer for ten years (now alleged to be an actual terrorist).

Those top Saudis include Waleed bin Talal, (who tried to give 10 million bucks to New York after 9/11, but Rudy Giuliani thankfully spit on him and who currently is a huge investor in Rupert Murdoch’s NewsCorp, owner of Fox News), Prince Turki al Faisal (former Saudi Minister of the Intelligence) and Prince Bandar bin Sultan (George W. Bush’s kissing and hand-holding buddy and former Ambassador to the US).  Also named – the recently elevated Prince, now Saudi King Abdullah.

Folks, Saudi Arabia is a treacherous nest of snakes, and our adamant enemy for decades.  They have bribed and corrupted so many of our elites, especially including the Bush family (yet another reason I will never, ever vote for another Bush) that it has become almost impossible to get any traction with the truth about them.  In fact, I’m somewhat amazed that this story was even reported by Fox, given the clout the Saudis have with that company (and so many others).

I assume, however, that even though Moussaoui’s revelations have been covered, the coverage has all included rebuttals designed to indicate that he is either crazy, lying, or both.

So I really don’t expect much to come of this.  Oil money talks (and buys and pays for 9/11s), and truth walks.  We are a nation both ignorant and dumb, and we are led by an almost totally corrupt political class.

And we are, and will be, paying for that.

The Ultimate Victor In Iraq Will Be Iran – Because We Are Idiots

Shiite Militia Drives Back Islamic State, but Divides Much of Iraq – NYTimes.com

At the same time, Mr. Ameri’s boast rings true: His militia has been among the most effective fighting forces against the Islamic State, gaining ground even as the Iraqi Army has faltered in many places despite support from American airstrikes and trainers.

Now, the Badr Organization’s leaders have asserted that their fighters and other allied militias — organized under the banner of “popular mobilization” forces — are ready to advance to neighboring provinces and other Iraqi cities menaced by the Islamic State: a shadow army to Iraq’s official security forces, flush with its own success.

I’ve been saying for nearly a decade that we should have armed the Shia militias immediately after the fall of Baghdad and let them kill whomever needed killing to wipe out the Sunni regime entirely. Had we done so, the tale of Iraq would have been a far different story.

And, in fact, that is how things are going to turn out there anyway. But Saudi Arabia wouldn’t let George W. Bush pursue such a policy, (if he even wanted to do such a thing) so now the victorious militias will look to Iran with gratitude for arming and supporting them, rather than to the United States.


Go Back to Bed, Sleepy Head

?New Sleep Duration Recommendations for Most Age Groups – MPR

  • Newborns (0-3 months): 14-17 hours each day (previously 12-18)
  • Infants (4-11 months): 12-15 hours (previously 14-15)
  • Toddlers (1-2 years): 11-14 hours (previously 12-14)
  • Preschoolers (3-5): 10-13 hours (previously 11-13)
  • School age children (6-13): 9-11 hours (previously 10-11)
  • Teenagers (14-17): 8-10 hours (previously 8.5-9.5)
  • Younger adults (18-25): 7-9 hours (new age category)
  • Adults (26-64): Unchanged (remains 7-9 hours)
  • Older adults (65+): 7-8 hours (new age category)

I wonder if these recommendations for Older Adults take into account the sleep-destroying meds many of us take?

Measles Parties and Medieval Parents

Health Officials Discourage “Measles Parties” | State of Health Blog from KQED News

Julie Schiffman is a mother of two in Marin County. The choice to not vaccinate her kids, now 6 and 8, was a long and difficult one, she said. But deciding whether to intentionally expose them to measles was easy.

“I would never do that to my kid,” she said.

She was approached recently by a friend who knew her kids were unvaccinated. The friend offered to help set up a play date with another child who was sick.

“She said, ‘I know someone who has the measles, would you like to be connected with them?’” Schiffman said.

Measles parties and chicken pox parties are practices that developed in eras before vaccines for those diseases were available. Both viruses are known to cause greater, more dangerous complications in adults. So some parents would intentionally infect their kids when they were young to work through the illness in its milder form, then retain immunity.

“People did this with chicken pox all the time,” said Art Reingold, an epidemiology professor at UC Berkeley who worked at the Centers for Disease Control in the 1980s. “Parents would have kids lick a lollipop and give it to other kids, or mail it to other kids.”

The chicken pox vaccine was licensed for use in 1995; for measles in 1963. Today, some parents are still deliberately getting their kids sick because they don’t believe in vaccines.

Any parent who does such a thing should have their children removed from them and placed elsewhere on the grounds that they are obviously unfit to be parents.

I can’t really convey the amount of hatred I feel for parents who would do such things.

And as for any “libertarians” who try to tell me that those parents own those kids, and they have a right to do whatever they want with them, well, if that’s your opinion, fuck off and die.  Preferably from measles complications.

At Amazon: The Digital Dime Store

Remember, you can buy and give digital gifts like music and books on the same day, even on Christmas day itself!

Here are several links that feature the equivalent of the Amazon Digital Dime Store (for you geezers old enough to remember what a dime store was….).

The Kindle Daily Deal

This Week’s Featured .99 Songs

100 Albums for $5

100 Kindle Books for $3.99 Or Less

Remember – anything you buy from Amazon through any link on this site puts a commission in my pocket, at no cost to yourself, so thank you very much! Also, arf! from the Presidential Pomeranian.

What? Oh, Wait. Never Mind.

Study: Men who make more money do fewer chores

A new study published in the journal Work, Employment, and Society found that men who make more money than their wives or girlfriends tend to help less around the house.

Even in households where women made more money, though, women still did the majority of chores. Study author Clare Lyonette of the Warwick Institute for Employment Research attributed the findings to the “myth of male incompetence,” where women accept that men are bad at doing chores.

Of course, the study’s sample size wasn’t huge, either — Lyonette only interviewed 36 women and 12 men.

In other words, clickbait bullshit.

If He Felt Any Shame… Hell, What Am I Saying? This is Brian Williams We’re Talking About

Inside NBC News | Public Relations

In the midst of a career spent covering and consuming news, it has become painfully apparent to me that I am presently too much a part of the news, due to my actions.

You’re too much a part of the news because your career of serial psychopathic lying has finally been dragged kicking and screaming from the deep cover afforded it by your employers and fellow hacks.

How is that going to change with “a few days off?”

You Can’t Do That

Walmart manager fired for apprehending shoplifter « Hot Air

But these things don’t have to be so absolute. There is a corporate culture prevalent in America which is so wary of litigation that they can overreact greatly in response. Not too long ago we talked about the pizza chain which forbids their delivery drivers from carrying legally owned personal weapons on the job, despite being in one of the most dangerous vocations in the country. That’s really not all that different from this case. Perhaps employers will attract better employees and cut down on crime at the same time if they enact policies which are more supportive of their workers who try to do the right thing.

I’m not saying that Walmart should make it mandatory for a manager or clerk to chase a fleeing criminal. That’s simply insane for the reasons listed above. But if someone does take the initiative to either defend themselves or protect the interests of the store, a policy which mandates their being terminated seems extreme and counterproductive. Surely there must be some middle ground here where the company can protect themselves from expensive court proceedings without punishing their employees who step up and stand their ground.

Bureaucracies aren’t good at “middle ground.”  The specialize in “lowest common denominator,”  and “zero tolerance.”

Because bureaucracies are stupid.

How Full of Shit Can You Be? This Full of Shit

Who Would The Founders Elect? | RealClearPolitics

Guess what?

The Founders and Framers would pick from Bush, Christie, or Huckabee.

Because, unlike Ted Cruz or Rand Paul, they have “serious governing experience.”

Apparently Scott Walker and Rick Perry don’t, though.

The oracle reading the minds of the Framers here is one Craig Shirley, longtime rightside political hack and flack, a lobbyist for a host of Chamber of Commerce leading light corporations, a fixture in the Permanent Ruling Party, and general all around trustworthy guy.


Islam: God Forbid That Women Should Enjoy Sexual Pleasure

Immigration Increases Genital Mutilation Among US Girls | The Daily Caller

More girls in America are having their genitalia mutilated as immigration increases the vibrant diversity of U.S. neighborhoods, says a new report by a D.C.-based nonprofit.

In 2013, “there were up to 507,000 U.S. women and girls who had undergone [genital mutilation] or were at risk of the procedure… the rapid increase in women and girls at risk reflects an increase in immigration to the United States,” said the Friday report by the Population Reference Bureau.

“We’re seeing a lot more F.G.M.,” Dr. Gretchen Heinrichs, a gynecologist, told The New York Times. FGM stands for female genital mutilation.

Gee.  I wonder what could possibly be behind this?  You don’t suppose it might be the Religion Whose Name We May Not Speak (TM – Barack Hussein), do you?

Why, yes.  Yes, it is.

Immigration Increases Genital Mutilation Among US Girls | The Daily Caller

The genital cutting reduces or eliminates women’s ability to achieve sexual pleasure, but gives elders more control over who marries whom.

The practice is normal among the Muslim populations in northern and eastern Africa, such as Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia. It is also very common among the Muslim population of Kurdistan in Iraq and in the fast-growing population of Yemen, adjacent to Saudi Arabia.

The practice is also commonplace among Christian populations in Ethiopia, Eritrea and Nigeria, but the more extreme version occurs in Muslim communities.

Muslim advocates in the United States usually deny that the problem is associated with Islam.

But the procedure is also backed by Muslim immigrants and advocates in the United States. In 2012, for example, a Muslim doctor at the Mayo Clinic promoted the practice as an “honor” for women in Muslim communities. The doctor, who was also a senior member of the Association of Muslim Jurists of America, was subsequently fired by his American supervisors.

If you can’t leave your barbarian savagery back where you came from, don’t come here in the first place.

Of Course It’s the Islam, Stupid

There’s No Such Thing as ‘Radical Islam.’ There Are Only Terrorists Who Are Muslim – The Daily Beast

How many Muslims does ISIS have to slaughter before people will stop calling the group “Islamic” anything?

How many Muslims does ISIS have to slaughter before tools like you will admit that Muslims have been slaughtering Muslims in the name of their religion for going on 1500 years now?

Dhimmi sucktard.

By the way, who are you to tell fanatic Muslim believers what their religion is, or is not? Smacks of white privilege and cultural imperialism to me.

You should denounce yourself.

Here Comes the “Ideological Purity” Slur

Scott Walker vs. Ideological Purity | PJ Media

If there is one term I would expunge from contemporary political discourse and cast into the outer darkness forever, the term would be RINO, “Republican In Name Only.” Not least because all of those who use it are ignorant of the history of the Republican Party. Progressivism began in the Republican Party; the first progressive president proudly to label himself as such was Theodore Roosevelt, and unlike his equally progressive cousin Franklin, he was no Democrat.

And quite a few actual conservatives don’t have very much use for Teddy for that very reason.

Look – you want to push progressive candidates, go to the Democrats, and stop calling yourselves Republicans.  Because you aren’t.  You’re a RINO.

Choke on it.

A Lot of Old Software

Ghost glibc Vulnerability Affects Enterprise Applications | Threatpost | The first stop for security news

Researchers at Veracode this week published their look at Ghost and determined that like Bash, gethostbyname is relatively everywhere. And what’s sure to compound lingering frustration over Ghost is that gethostbyname was long ago deprecated and replaced by getaddrinfo() calls in order to satisfy IPv6 compatibility.

“We were surprised by the pervasiveness of calls to these functions, which are older functions which have been deprecated for about 15 years, mainly because of their lack of support for IPv6,” said Veracode cofounder and CTO Chris Wysopal. “So this analysis shows that there’s still a lot of old software out there that’s being used in production applications.”

Yep.  So of course my sites were shut down early this AM while the code monkeys at Hostgator spent time disinfecting my VPS from this bug.

Unconstitutional Preference Upheld

US Judge Rejects Muslim Woman’s Unconstitutional Demand To Oath on the Quran

A Muslim woman involved in a custody dispute with her separated husband refused to take an oath on the Bible in a Pennsylvania court, demanding instead to be allowed to use a copy of the Quran, Conservative Tribune reported. …

Under Pennsylvania law, oaths must be sworn on the Bible or be non-religious in nature, but still considered binding.
The woman is now challenging that law, arguing that it discriminates against her religious beliefs.

And she’s right.

I like the hysteria in the headline. A request to stop the anti-First Amendment privilege of one religion must be unConstitutional. It just must be!

(This post is provided as yet another Daily Pundit service to the community. I trawl through the stupid so you don’t have to.)

Faster, Please

Lab on a chip turns smart phones into mobile disease clinics

Researchers have designed a cheap, easy-to-use smart phone attachment (shown above) that can test patients for multiple deadly infectious diseases in 15 minutes. All it takes is a drop of blood from a finger prick. Pressing the device’s big black button creates a vacuum that sucks the blood into a maze of tiny channels within its disposable credit card–sized cartridge.

The loud-mouthed types keep on exhorting money, accusing rich (mostly white) countries of racism, accusing rich (mostly white) countries of genocide, demanding that doctors and medical supplies be sent to poor countries to stem the horrific death toll of disease, blah blah blah.

Meanwhile, the scientists and engineers keep on cranking out their miracles. Kind of makes you wonder which side gets more accomplished, eh?

Child Molester Molests Child While Wearing Ankle Bracelet

Repeat sex offender accused of molesting girl at 99 Cents Only Store near Hayward | abc7news.com

A man arrested for allegedly molesting an 8-year-old girl at a 99 Cents Only Store near Hayward is a registered sex offender who committed an identical crime five years ago.

The suspect, 33-year-old Carlyle Villazon, was arrested at his job in Union City on Wednesday night. He’s a registered sex offender out on parole who wears an ankle monitoring bracelet.

An Oakland police sergeant checked the state database and found that Villazon lives near the store where the 8-year-old girl was molested Sunday afternoon. Investigators say a man touched the girl inappropriately in the aisle of the toy section.

There is a school of thought that claims pedophilia is incurable.  Reports like these do nothing to make the case against that theory.

No Mas Bush Dynasty

Tyranny of the Anti-Jebusites: GOP Bush-Haters Jettison Merit in Favor of a Genetic Litmus Test | PJ Tatler

One of the great benefits of leaving the Old World — with its patrimony and primogeniture — and coming to America was that the second son, and the third son (and beyond) each had equal opportunity to test his mettle in the arena of commerce and ideas, and to soar has high as his industry, character, intellect and perseverance would take him.

You can hate/reject/ignore Jeb Bush for his ideas, for his track record, for his vision, for his bland personality, for his flat elocution and for his hipster horn rims, but in an American meritocracy we don’t judge a man by the “sins” of his family.

Most of all, in these United States, we have kicked down the age-old barrier of genetics, so that no man is damned to live in the shadow of hEuropis father or his brother.

This seems to me almost wilfully wrong.  Jeb Bush cannot but help living “in the shadow of his father or his brother.”  Or his grandfather or great-grandfather, as far as it goes.

The family is a political dynasty, and no amount of hand-waving can erase the fact that Jeb is an integral part of that dynasty.  I think Scott has it exactly backwards, in fact:  European dynasties may have apportioned out varying roles for different members, but as a whole it functioned seamlessly to advance the interests of the dynastic family itself.

Nor are political dynasties harmless.  Almost all of them use their political offices to leverage their power and wealth, thus ensuring the continuation of the dynasty.  There is a reason that the constitution bans “patents of nobility.”  These were the badges of the European dynasties, and the Framers wanted nothing of that for America. 

Nobody claims that Jeb should not be considered, but anybody doing serious analysis of his candidacy cannot help but recognize the vital role played by his membership in an American political dynasty.  Nor should there be any opprobrium attached to rejecting him for that reason alone.

Shocker: NBC Won’t Punish Brian Williams For His Bald-Faced Lying

Report: NBC Will Not Suspend, Fire or Even Punish Brian Williams | Mediaite

Despite media critics piling onto Brian Williams after his admission that he misremembered a dramatic 2003 Iraq War incident, NBC News will stand by its anchor.

According to the LA Times, “an executive familiar with the matter” says that Williams will not face disciplinary action for embellishing an oft-repeated account — that his helicopter took a hit from an RPG right before the US-led invasion of Baghdad — and that his public apology during his Wednesday night broadcast was “accepted internally.” NBC has so far not publicly released a statement.

The “shocker” part of the title is sarcasm.  I’m not at all surprised.  Are you?

Deals on All Versions of Intuit’s Turbotax Tax Software for 2015

Deals on Intuit Turbotax Software for 2015

There are a couple of sweet deals working here.  If you’re an Amazon Prime member, the pricing on these apps is lower than you pay at Costco – which is where I generally buy them.  On top of that, if you have a refund coming, you can use part of it to buy an Amazon gift card, and get an additional ten percent of that purchase price added onto your card for free.  Here’s the deets:

 TurboTax with Refund Bonus Offer* Additional Details

Before you prepare to send your returns in the File section of TurboTax, you can choose to use part or all of your federal refund to purchase an Amazon.com Gift Card and get your bonus following these simple steps:

  • Choose any increment of $100 from your federal tax refund to purchase an Amazon.com Gift Card* and TurboTax will tack on an extra 5% or 10% bonus on your e-gift card.
  • The remainder of your refund will be deposited to your bank account
  • Once your refund is available/funded, TurboTax will email you your Amazon.com Gift Card claim code within 1-2 business days.
  • Receive an extra 5% with TurboTax Basic – So $500 would become $525
  • Receive an extra 10% with TurboTax Deluxe, Premier, and Home & Business – So $500 would become $550
  • TurboTax Business is not eligible for this offer

All in all, it adds up to an excellent deal on the most popular tax software in America.  Check it out!

Remember – anything you buy from Amazon through any link on this site puts a commission in my pocket, at no cost to yourself, so thank you very much! Also, arf! from the Presidential Pomeranian.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Check out my new bestseller, Lightning Fall: A Novel of Disaster. Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit.com says: “Bill Quick has authored a terrific thriller that is also an all too plausible warning. Highly recommended!” Available in Kindle e-book or trade paperback formats.

“Net Neutrality” Via Utility Regulation Is Not Neutral – It’s An Obama Government Power Grab

The FCC’s Big Internet Power Grab Comes Directly From the White House – Hit & Run : Reason.com

Why did Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler decide to embrace the idea of
regulating the Internet like a utility?

it’s because he saw that the wireless industry had thrived
under similar regulation. But as a report in today’s Wall
Street Journal
makes abundantly clear, it was really
a response to pressure from the White House
, which effectively
ran a shadow FCC. 

Activists had pressured Wheeler throughout last year to pursue
Title II reclassification of broadband service, which would make
its regulatory treatment more like a utility, but Wheeler

Then in November, President Obama unexpectedly weighed in,
siding firmly with the activists who wanted reclassification in a
video calling for the FCC to adopt the “strongest possible rules”
to protect net neutrality.

The FCC chief swiftly changed his views.

This has been worrying me considerably, given that I don’t think government regulation of “utilities” has been either effective or good for the society.

An example: It was state regulators in California that gave power utilities the authority to force consumers to accept meters that permitted the utilities to lower or shut down power to individual homes on the bases of grid usage.

They claim they are only doing this to guarantee “net neutrality,” but we all know that once they get control of something, they never stop with just the issue that gave them control. Give them an inch, they’ll take your whole damned life.