FAMILY SESSION: time and time again

Our girls are finally in the SAME school for the first time...and if I'm being honest, my fingers are doubly crossed with hopeful anticipation that they'll actually be "sisters" on stage here in the near future...

BUT, even if's amazing how paths are crossed and relationships are formed and friendships result...

I've known them since the beginning...wayyyy back in the 2010 era...possibly even before...

they have entrusted me year after year...time and time document their capture the silly, to freeze the laughter, to seize the smiles...

They are a TIGHT family...with bonds that run deep...they know what matters most and they keep that at the forefront of all else...

character, values, kindness, truth...these are the qualities that are honored above everything...and that is what makes them remarkable and unique...and the stand out from the crowd...

I'm privileged and honored to know them! 


Jack is disarming, cool and collected...

He doesn't let much ruffle him...he takes things in stride and laughs along the way. 

It's hard to believe but it was WARM this day...only 3 weeks ago...we were sweltering hot being outside...ahhh life in the midwest!

He wasn't all that fazed by the temps, rather, not only hung in there with me, but eagerly did all that was asked of him, with a smile that went all the way to his baby blue eyes!

I'm going to be sad not to have the opportunity to meet up with Seniors nearly everyday these past, as the weather is changing...

these young men and women are inspiring and kind and excited for the amazing futures that lie ahead...

congratulations Jack!  I'm glad to have met you! 


I've had the opportunity to meet up with lots of guy Seniors this year...

I know, I know...senior pictures aren't really "sought after" by the tends to be something more in the realm of "mother/daughter" or "daddy/daughter" time...

What I have learned though, not being a #boymom myself, is that boys love their moms!  Not in that "momma's boy" mentality, but in a way that they not only respect, but appreciate what their Moms have sacrificed over the years for them...and while taking pictures isn't what they'd consider their most "worthwhile" time, they do it because it's a way to honor their let Mom celebrate fully with them before they head out into independence...

it's a sweet, loving, thoughtful gesture...and I get a front row seat...

THESE are the type of young men that give me HOPE, being a #girlmom 

The world tries to tell us what is "cool" and "uncool" tries to convince us what "strength" and "courage" look tries to brainwash into thinking that "serving someone else", or "showing humility or honor" isn't for the Strong...

and they would be dead wrong!  

Because, it's in the showing compassion, the kindness, the yielding, the listening, the showing gratitude...that comes TRUE strength...of character and integrity. 

It's been a pleasure meeting young men, like Colin, whom exemplify these qualities and so much more! 

congrats Colin on a fantastic Senior year! 


The blog post title may say "warming up", but that doesn't necessarily mean real temperatures...

We are winding down our Fall season here in it always makes me happy to showcase sessions from just a couple weeks ago to remember...

The "warming up" in this case referred more to littles...

I LOVED being a teacher in the local schools...I think that's part of the reason I still absolutely adore Family Sessions...because I get back to my roots as an educator and I get to have FUN with young students!

I understand that sometimes it takes a little time to warm up for a camera (or a crazy lady BEHIND the camera!) 

It doesn't take took long though...if you scroll on through, you'll see that by the end I was running away from leaves and playing chase! 

THAT is when you know families know how to have to prioritize TIME together, because children are able to sense sincerity and feel safe with parents present to set the boundaries and know they can have an adventure together! 

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"Teach us to number our days, (savor the moments) so that we may gain a heart of wisdom" ~Psalm 90:12

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