This is to be very personal, so let's approach this as a personal one-on-one conversation even though it is a monologue. My dad used to say, “Fred was vaccinated with a phonograph needle.”  The elegant crucible question: Who is your Lord?...

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Words of Hope: Fulfillment

Our family line had a burning desire to be remarkable. I know my dad wrestled with this internal drive. He continuously worked to move his sense of self-worth away from achievement and into being. He shifted to an intrinsic...

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Words of Hope: Collecting the Pieces 

I love art museums. They are one of my favorite places on the planet. I can spend hours there. I love the stories behind the works of art just as well. Recently, I read about two friends, Édouard Manet...

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The incredible human machine has an approximately 10-ounce heart that pumps blood through the entire body. Can you imagine every 24 hours our arteries, veins, and capillaries deliver blood the same distance as Seattle to New York and back? A miracle machine!...

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Words of Hope: The Cost of Love 

One of my favorite things to do is go to a beautiful church and pray. If Shann and I are together and we are the only ones in the church, we will sing together. I love the house of...

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Words of Hope: The Right Path

I recently met a man who is wrestling with his faith. He is skeptical yet wants to believe. He is reading a variety of religious texts because he fears making a wrong decision. He fears whether he is following...

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“Fred, why do so few people have joy?” Elegant question! To answer, I let my mind wander, do some speculation.  In today’s world, we seem to base our lives on Feeling, Fact, and then Faith. I conclude emotions make horrible masters but could...

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Words of Hope: Answered Prayer 

My husband Shann wrote the libretto for an opera about the life of Zechariah and Elizabeth highlighting the human suffering of barrenness. It is easy to romanticize scripture by labeling difficult emotions such as sorrow, fear, and doubt as...

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Words of Hope: Pondering Schism 

I find myself reflecting on a troubling trend emerging within church communities. This issue revolves around the contrasting doctrinal narratives concerning God's love and His wrath. Recently, a theological speaker at a prominent Christian university delivered a chapel message...

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LOVE-what is it? Why is it important?

For reasons I cannot explain the whole idea and notion of love has been gripping my mind and heart. The easy thing to do is ask SIRI to give me a definition of love. Paul’s famous chapter 13 of I...

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