Top 10 Characteristics of Being Wise

For about 100 days, the mysterious and remarkable topic of wisdom has been on my mind and heart. At the end of the year 2020, I embarked on being a wisdom seeker for these reasons: It is crystal clear...

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Words of Hope: Transitions 

My husband Shann and I love Thursday date nights. They include a home-cooked meal together with candlelight and then an hour watching Stanford’s continuing education class by one of the top professors on the campus. His name is Alexander...

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Words of Hope:  Praying for Good Fathers 

My friend had a difficult father. He was complementary but distant to her. They had limited time together. He was unfaithful to her mom. My friend still struggles with this relationship. Though she is out of the house and...

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Life without balance between drive, rhythm, and margin is like driving an automobile with tires out of balance. It can be done; however, the journey is unpleasant. Drive is your passion, the fuel for your life engine, and firepower for your...

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Words of Hope:  Praying with Hope 

I have been praying for many years for two gifts. They both were answered the same week. I laughed and cried with joy at their fulfillment. How immediately the dread lifted. What a gift! This reminds me of the gifts...

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Take a Planned Timeout!

Coaching basketball taught me many life-related concepts. These principles just appeared on the court! One example is a timeout. To take a break, intermission, breather becomes a time to refocus. Even in basketball, planed timeouts were superior to forced...

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Words of Hope: Creative Affirmations 

Scripture tells us, “In the beginning was the word and the word was God.” I consider the coding of our DNA, I consider the world of words, the messages that speak to us day and night. Some words fill...

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Words of Hope: Wintering 

In Spokane, the winter strips the leaves from our deciduous trees. I notice without the garment of green, the trees appear gnarled and exposed. I think of this image as a metaphor for difficulty. When the green vibrancy is...

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Words of Hope: Timeout 

My dad loved timeouts. This is not a punishment and it’s unfortunate that this language is connected to punishment. Timeouts are crucial for our health, for taking a step back, and for reevaluating.   In basketball, there are strategic moments to...

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Words of Hope: For Goodness Sake 

For New Year’s Eve, our family members selected a lovely card to write down our yearly intentions. We mediated on 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 reading it slowly aloud twice and then considering, “What is God asking for us in the...

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