Water Testing
The quality of the water in our homes that we drink and bathe in every day is upmost importance. We offer several common water testing packages such as FHA/VA water tests as well as customized water testing for almost any contaminate you can imagine including; Radionuclides, Heavy Metals, Inorganics and Primary Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s) as well as special contaminates. We are certified to take residential well water samples following the Florida Department of Health procedures for collecting water samples. We will deliver the samples to a certified independent laboratory for analysis. Options also exist for expedited results.
We offer several water testing package options:
- Bacterial Coliform (Total Coliform & E. Coli), Lead, Nitrite, Nitrate (FHA & VA Loans)
- Bacterial Coliform (Total Coliform & E. Coli), Lead, Nitrite, Nitrate, Total Nitrate/Nitrite, PH (Acidity), Alkalinity, Clarity, Chlorine, Color, Copper, Hardness and Iron.
Additional testing services:
- Radionuclides including; Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, Radium 226 & Radium 228
- Primary Inorganics (e.g. Arsenic, Cyanide, Fluoride, Mercury)
- Primary Volatile Organic Compounds or VOC’s (e.g. Fossil Fuels, Benzene, Formaldehyde)
- Primary Synthetic Organics (Pesticides & Herbicides)

Contact Info
Licensing Info
Florida Licensed Home Inspector #HI9508
InterNACHI ID#16013009
InterNACHI ID#16013009
- Home Inspections
- New Construction
- Wind Mitigation
- 4 Point Insurance
- Thermal Imaging
- Roof Certification
- Water Testing