Thelma in the Large Flower Field
Thelma in the Flower Garden
Dark Green in Sparta, VA
Ashe County Sky
Cottonwood Sky
After "From the Battery" by Ray Ellis
Red Marsh
"Home by Dark" after Eudora Welty photograph
Trees on the Dunes
Sea Before Sunrise
Black Eyes, Blue Trees
Sailing in the Mist (After John Twatchtman)
Woman with Cigarette by C. Edgerton (after Picasso's Woman with Cigarette)
Blues Are Running
Going Home after Eudora Welty
White Shed, Red Sky
Sailing in the Mist Study
Fish Wishes
Chatham County Cedar
Overhill Church II
After Ray Ellis
Bare Tree in the Afternoon
Nine Sisters
Before the Wedding
Red on a Foggy Day
Twins at Sea
Toward the Beach
Going Home (after Eudora Welty)
Cotton, 1950 after Eudora Welty
Red Canoe
Tree Fog
Over Hill Church
The Eating Pan
Violet Ground Haze
Red Canoe Study
White Hull
Fir Triplets
The Cart Path
5 AM Maine Coast
Wild Apple, Early Spring
Island Beach, Blue Clouds
Sunset Fades II
Then Sunset Fades
Morning Trees, Kanab
Red Bucket, Red Chair, Blueberries
Illumination from Within
Dock and Sky
Man in Bus Station
Spotty and Man
Flower Celebration
Sister Boats, Taylor's Creek
Wild Garden I
Man in the Road
John's Boat (after John Rosenthal)
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