Why did you decide to do the IDA Master?
I knew I wanted to enter a research master and looked at various programs. The thing that I liked about IDA is that is specifically psychology oriented with a strong statistical focus.
Looking at the program schedule, which course excites you the most and why?
I am really looking forward to the traineeships to experience what it is like to conduct (part of) the research cycle myself.
Do you experience stress/pressure in your studies? How do you deal with it?
Everybody probably does. I try to make time to just relax and do nothing and see my friends when I have the time. It is important for me to unwind and think about other things besides studies once in a while.
How can your knowledge from the IDA Master be useful for the real world?
Looking at things critically and from a data point of view is always applicable everywhere.
Why do you think it is important to study what you study?
I think it is important to conduct science in the best way possible. There is a lot that we still want to find out about the world and the humans in it. There is also a lot that needs to be better in the way we conduct research. Research can have big impacts on societies, that is why it is important that research is conducted well.
What is the most fascinating thing you have learned?
To be more critical of the papers that get published. I think it is really important to keep asking yourself if you should agree with the conclusion that authors write down. I also learned a lot of fascinating things about how the brain works in the biological correlates course. For example that patterns of brain activation could tell us something about your political preference, how cool!
What motivates you to keep studying?
I really enjoy the subjects we study and I see myself working in the academic world in the future.
How are you experiencing the relationship with your teachers?
The teachers are really nice and most try to remember your name. That makes it personal.
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