Books on Mark and Year B
- Mark (Belief: A Theological Commentary on the Bible) by William C. Placher is a new commentary filled with unique theological reflections by a wonderful theologian who was a long-time writer for Christian Century magazine.
- Conversations With Scripture: The Gospel of Mark by Marcus Borg offers the new insights by a popular (and controversial) writer and biblical scholar. The book includes wonderful questions for individual study and small group discussions.
- Mark: A Commentary (New Testament Library) by M. Eugene Boring is the best, in-depth commentary on Mark filled with insights by a top biblical scholar.
- Mark: Interpretation: A Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching by Lamar Williamson is an outstanding commentary by a former mission worker in Africa and long-time seminary professor that offers two sections on each passage, excellent biblical examination of the text and then great ideas for its significance for today.
- Preaching Mark by Bonnie Bowman Thurston is a wonderful guide by a biblical scholar who is also an authority on spirituality, especially the works of Thomas Merton.
- Preaching the Gospel of Mark: Proclaiming the Power of God by Dawn Ottoni Wilhelm offers great ideas by a professor of preaching who shows how the gospel relates to today's world.
- Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of Mark's Story of Jesus by Ched Myers. When this book came out Walter Wink said this book was the most important commentary on the Bible since Karl Barth's one on Romans. The 20th anniversary edition continues to offer unique insights for those concerned with being faithful and working for peace and justice.
- Preaching Mark in Two Voices by Brian K. Blount and Gary W. Charles is a wonderful combination of insightful reflections and sermons by a top biblical teacher/preacher (now seminary president) and gifted preacher.
- Daily Feast: Meditations from Feasting on the Word, Year B, edited by Kathleen Long Bostrom and Elizabeth F. Caldwell, is a wonderful, new daily devotional that contains Scripture passages for the coming Sunday from the lectionary, excerpts from these very popular commentaries for reflection, a response, and a prayer. Additional material is provided for each Sunday.
- Feasting on the Word: Year B, Volume 1, Advent through Transfiguration, edited by David L. Bartlett and Barbara Brown Taylor, looks at each lectionary passage from the four perspectives (exegetical, theological, pastoral and homiletical) by great pastoral preachers, seminary professors of Bible and preaching.
- Preaching God's Transforming Justice: A Lectionary Commentary, Year B, edited by Ronald J. Allen, Dale P. Andrews and Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm, looks at each Sunday's lectionary texts from social justice perspectives as well as additional special days (Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Earth Day, etc.). Writers are pastors, social writers and seminary professors of preaching, Bible and ethics.
- The People's New Testament Commentary by M. Eugene Boring and Fred B. Craddock is a wonderful single volume commentary that Carolyn used in teaching a course for commissioned lay pastors and is one she recommends to all pastors and lay people.